Grammar for ielts fiona Aish & Jo Tomlinson ■L&Bog'liq Grammar for IELTSPractice exercises
For questions \-U rewrite the sentences using reported speech. For questions 5 -8
complete the sentence with the correct reporting verb structure. There may be more than
one correct answer.
I w ent to the opera yesterday and really enjoyed it.' She said th a t _____
The governm ent has to invest more money in the a rts .’ He argued that
This m useum hasn’t had any inte rna tio n ally recognized exhibitions fo r several years.’
The c ritic announced th a t ___________________
What does the theatre d ire cto r intend to do to increase ticke t sales?’ The re p orter
a s k e d ___________________
If the cinema does not receive funding, it w ill have to close down.’ The manager
___________________ if the cinema did not receive funding, it would have to close down.
There has been a rapid rise in the num ber of people engaging in c u ltu ra l activities over
the last decade.’ The p o litic ia n ___________________ there had been a rapid rise in the
n um ber of people engaging in c u ltu ra l activities over the previous decade.
'The decline in interest in a rt is not due to a lack of private investm ent in g a lle rie s .’ The
a r t is t ___________________ the decline in interest in a rt was due to a lack of private
investm ent in galleries.
'I th in k it w ould be a good idea to read An Introduction to Sociology to begin w ith .’ The
te a c h e r___________________ reading An Introduction to Sociology to begin w ith.
Culture and modern society
Answer the questions below using reported speech. Give yourself one minute to prepare,
then talk for one or two minutes.
: Describe a piece of advice that someone gave you. You should say:
j • Who gave you the advice
j • What the advice was
\ • If you followed the advice and what happened
! And say if it was advice you would give to someone else.
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