Types of text organizationBog'liq Grammar for IELTSTypes of text organization
Text is organized according to its purpose. For example, if you are describing a process, you w ill
sta rt at the beginning of the process and explain it step by step. If the text is describing problem s
and solutions it is usual to explain the problem s firs t then provide the solutions. There are a
range of text organization types used in IELTS, fo r example:
For and against discussion:
a presentation of both sides of a common argum ent or situation
Cause and effect:
an explanation of the causes and effects of a problem or situation
Advantages and disadvantage:
a discussion of the good and bad points of an issue o r situation
Giving an opinion:
a presentation of your opinions on a problem or situation
Paragraph organization
A topic sentence explains the main idea of a paragraph, it usually comes at the beginning of a
paragraph so that reader knows w hat the paragraph is about. The topic sentence gives general
inform ation on the main idea. The topic sentence does NOT contain details.
The other sentences in a paragraph add extra information to the main idea presented in the topic
sentence. These sentences can be: explanations, details, reasons, contradictions, problems, solutions,
opposite views etc. These sentences contain details and extend the main idea in the topic sentence.
The function of sentences
Each sentence in a paragraph has a function. It must be connected to the sentence before and
the sentence afte r and add inform ation about the main idea in the topic sentence. Linking words
(Unit 10) and reference words (Unit 16) help to connect sentences together and highlight th e ir role.
1 C elebrities have had a large im pact on the fashion industry. 2 This is due to the fact that they
make successful advertising campaigns. 3 Sports stars, pop stars and actors, fo r exam ple,
are often connected w ith a p a rtic u la r product. 4 Consequently, fans of the celebrity buy the
product and company profits increase. 5 However, using celebrities makes people want
products they do not w ant or need.
1 Topic sentence
3 Example
5 Problem
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