Read the following extracts from student essays for Writing TaskBog'liq Grammar for IELTS3
Read the following extracts from student essays for Writing Task 2 and correct the
mistakes in the use of reference words.
In my opinion politicians should listen to the people that vote fo r they. People want to
buy healthy food but it is expensive so them buy fast food instead which is not good fo r
his health. Politicians should change it situation.
Dieticians suggest vitam ins are necessary to combat allergies. It view has been criticized
by scientists who say that this nutrients do not always help to reduce allergies. Therefore,
because them don't agree, people don’t know what advice to follow.
Organic food is not a solution to the health problem s of the w orld. Its is less efficient
than o th e r methods of food production. In addition, that problem s are more often
related to less w ealthy fam ilies in developing countries. Families who live then cannot
afford to buy organic produce so they is not useful fo r us.
Read the paragraphs from an IELTS Writing Task 2 and write the noun, sentence or idea
that the underlined reference word matches. The first one has been done for you.
What are the causes and effects of obesity and how does it affect society?
One of the largest causes of obesity is the rising cost of food over the years. Although
nowadays many superm arkets claim that (1) they provide low cost food, fru it and
vegetables have increased considerably in price. (2) This means that it is more d iffic u lt fo r
low income fam ilies to feed th e ir children fresh, healthy food. As a result, we have seen a
rise in obesity and other health related problem s. (3) These issues have negative effects on
healthcare and education. For example, my m o th e r w orrie s that (4) she w ill not be able to
cook healthy m eals fo r her fam ily if food costs continue to increase.
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