What is the World Wide Web?
To make the appearance of information available through the Internet more attractive, and to assist people in finding information more easily, it is now possible for special pages of information to contain text, colours, and pictures, sound, animation and even video. These pages, collectively, make up what is known as the World Wide Web (www) or Web. Most of these pages include information on the location of other pages on the World Wide Web, and it is possible to follow up links between pages with similar or related content. Moving from one page to another, regardless of where in the world they might be located, is called browsing, or surfing the net or web. Many of these Web pages contain information that may be useful in the classroom, and it is presented in a way, which is often easy to use.
A number of UK suppliers, offer schools the facility of keeping their own pages on the Internet. These school “home pages” might describe the school’s activities to outsiders or explain project work that pupils are involved in.