How do you define innovation? How do you approach innovation?

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Mid term exam questions
davlat-standarti-asosida-chizmalarni-taxt-qilish, Test tayyorlanishga (2), Asbobsozlik materiallari Qirindi hosil bo’lish jarayoni, Testlar to\'plami 2021, маруза, Referat Psixologiya fanidan Mavzu Temperament va uning tiplari, Хавоканд, MInimalizm uslubining milliy uylarimizdagi muhim jihatlari, ttb 6, Исокжонов Жамшидбек 89 А 20-гурух, xx asrning 60-80-yillarida ozbekistonda suv resurslaridan foydalanish muammolari, Саволлар Коллеж учун, betlik, 55555, lira

  1. How do you define innovation?

  2. How do you approach innovation?

  3. Why does innovation matter?

  4. Why is innovation so difficult?

  5. What is an innovation strategy and how do you create one?

  6. What is open innovation?

  7. What are some real-life examples of open innovation?

  8. What are some of the challenges in open innovation?

  9. Explain "Basic Problems of an Economy: What to Produce?"

  10. Explain "Basic Problems of an Economy: How to Produce?"

  11. Explain "Basic Problems of an Economy: For Whom to Produce?"

  12. Explain "Basic Problems of an Economy" What provision should be made for economic growth? "

  13. Explain, "Are needs and wants different? How? "

  14. What are the four basic problems of an economy?

  15. Think of one important invention from each of the following three periods of time: before the 18th century, 18th-19th century, and 20th.

  16. Education is changing: online classes and massive free online courses are on the rise; college-level courses are available to anyone with a good internet connection. What are the pros and cons of online education? Will traditional education survive?

  17. When smart machines eliminate work, citizens may have a hard time finding jobs in order to earn income so they can buy goods and services produced by robots. What are some of the solutions to this problem? And by the way, what are we going to do with all the extra time when you don’t have to work as much?

  18. Technology can help us solve crimes, but it can also enable crime. What new types of crime can be enabled by technology? How can technology help us solve and prevent new and old kinds of crime?

  19. Explain the role of wages and unemployment in economic growth.

  20. Role of Female Participation in the Workforce in China's Economic Growth?

  21. What impact do Confucian values have on China's economic growth?

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How do you define innovation? How do you approach innovation?

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