(abstract of the thesis of the Doctor of Science (DSc) on Economics)
The purpose of the study is to develop scientific
and theoretical proposals
and practical recommendations for highlighting scientific views on the
development of the economy and the service sector in Uzbekistan in the Middle
The object of the research is historical and
scientific works related to
scientific views on the development of the economy and the service sector in
Uzbekistan in the Middle Ages.
The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
according to the methodological approach, such categories as "labor
productivity", "profit", and "efficiency" were improved as the main economic
indicators for assessing the level of economic activity in trade, education, science,
and health care to express the state and stages of development of the service sector
in the
Middle Ages;
It is scientifically substantiated that the representatives of medieval realism
Farabi, Yusuf Khos-Hadjib, Alisher Navoi, and Amir Temur in their works called
for visiting the historical and cultural centers of the region, holy places, promoting
spiritual and moral benefits, these processes form the basis for influencing the
development of
the service sector;
substantiated that in the Middle Ages, types of services with high socio-
economic utility, such as trade, education, science, and health care, were a kind of
connecting tool that expanded the possibilities for realizing the potential of real
sectors of the economy under the influence of the synergistic effect of the service
sector in ensuring the harmony of the production of material
goods and spiritual
growth in society;
the economic ideas of medieval thinkers about increasing socio-economic
wealth by stimulating and encouraging members of society to economic activity
through the development of public administration and the development of the
social sphere, which served to ensure the harmony
of the state and society, are
scientifically substantiated;
scientifically substantiated that the types of services formed in the Middle
Ages for the development of agriculture had a significant impact on improving the
division of labor between industries through the processes of specialization, which
are considered an economic condition and the basis for improving cultural,
educational, and social life.