Savol: Interfaol ta’lim bu-… Javob

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Innovatsion ta’lim texnologiyalari

Savol: Interfaol ta’lim bu-…
Javob: ta’limdagi chuqurlashtirilgan muloqot


Savol: Agar grafik organayzerlarni o‘qituvchi tayyor (to‘ldirilgan) holda qo‘llasa qanday vazifani bajaradi
Javob: vosita vazifasi


Savol: Axborot xaritasini tuzish yo‘li, barcha tuzilmaning mohiyatini markazlashtirish va aniqlash uchun qandaydir biror asosiy omil atrofida g‘oyalarni yig‘ishga imkon beradigan grafik organayzer
Javob: klaster


Savol: Elektron pochta (e-mail) nimalarni uzata oladi?
Javob: Axborot va fayllar


Savol: Multimedia ma’ruzalariga nimalar zarur?
Javob: Barcha javob to’g’ri


Savol: Internetda qidirish hizmati qanday nomlanadi?
Javob: WWW


Savol: bu:
Javob: Milliy qidiruv tizimi


Savol: grafik, matn, raqamli, musiqali, video, foto va boshqa axborotlarni va yana foydalanuvchilar uchun bosma xujjatlar yig‘indisi bu-
Javob: Elektron nashr


Savol: Interaktiv texnologiyalarga nimalar kiradi?
Javob: Barcha javoblar to’g’ri


Savol: Ko‘p sonli qabul qiluvchilarga tarqatiladigan, keraksiz elektron xabarlar odatda nima deb ataladi?
Javob: Spam


Savol: Kompyuter texnikasi vositasida ma’lumotlarni qayta ishlash tizimini yaratish va foydalanish dasturiy vositalari yig‘indisi nima deb aytiladi.
Javob: Dasturiy ta’minot


Savol: Camtasia studioda transitions nima vazifani bajaradi?
Javob: Slayddan slaydga o’tkazish


Savol: Kompyuter diskida yoki ixtiyoriy axborot tashuvchida joylashgan « .pptx» yoki « .ppt» kengaytmali faylga sichqoncha ko‘rsatkichi bilan ikki marta bosilsa qanday jarayon sodir bo‘ladi?
Javob: Microsoft PowerPoint dasturi ishga tushiriladi va unga tanlangan hujjat yuklanadi


Savol: Boshqa LMS tizimlarga qaraganda eng ko‘p qo‘shimcha plagin va modullari mavjud bo‘lgan dasturiy majmua .......
Javob: Moodle


Savol: Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universitetining virtual ta’lim muhiti Moodle dasturiy majmuasida yaratilgan. Virtual ta’lim muhitining Web manzilini ko‘rsating


Savol: so‘z yoki so‘zlar guruhiga mahsus ajratilgan ko‘rsatmalar istalgan dasturlar mos elektron axborot manbaini chaqiruvchi dastur bu - ...
Javob: Elektron lug‘at


Savol: Last week Justin said 'I'll do it tomorrow.' He said he would do it….
Javob: the following day


Savol: We…. to Ireland for our holidays last year.
Javob: went


Savol: Tizim belgilari
Javob: elementlar ko‘pligi, elementlararo aloqalarning mavjudligi, struktura va ierarxiyaning mavjudligi, integrativ sifat va nisbatan mustaqil


Savol: Qaror qabul qilish insoniyat faliyatidagi
Javob: maxsus jarayon


Savol: Odatiy, kundalik darajani ko‘rsating.
Javob: Yo‘riqnoma va qoidalarga so‘zsiz amal qilish, vaziyatni to‘g‘ri baholash, nazoratni tashkil etish


Savol: Tizimni o‘rganuvchi fanlar
Javob: Sistemologiya (tizimlar nazariyasi), tizimiy tahlil, sistemotexnika (sistemotexnologiku)


Savol: Qaror qabul qilish tushunchasi
Javob: fanlararo tushuncha


Savol: Konsensus (kelishuv) qaysi qaror qabul qilishda sodir bo‘ladi?
Javob: Kollegial, jamoaviy


Savol: Konformlilik bu-
Javob: Individning guruh fikrlariga tashqi tomondan qo‘shilib, ichki tomondan esa o‘z fikrida qolishi


Savol: Tizimli yondashuvning asosiy turlari
Javob: tizimli-genetik, tizimli informatsion, tizimli kommunikativ, tizimli strukturaviy, tizimli boshkaruv, tizimli funksional, tizimli integrativ


Savol: Algoritm
Javob: ma’lum bir sohaga oid muammolarni xal qilishda yechishda ishlatiladigan jarayonlar tizimining muayyan tartibda bajarilishi haqidagi aniq dasturi.


Savol: Quyida noaniqliklar tiplari berilgan. To‘g‘risini toping.
Javob: Barcha javoblar to‘g‘ri

 …. a party next Saturday. We've sent out the invitations.

 We're having 

Anna put the electric fire on… warm.

 in order get 

Are we going the right way? I think ….


At nine o'clock yesterday morning we…. for the bus.

 were waiting 

At this time tomorrow… over the Atlantic.

 we'll be flying 

Crocodile hozirda qanady nom bilan ataladi?


Don't go too fast. I can't keep….you.

 up with 

Don't worry. I…be here to help you.


Here's my report ….. it at last.

 I've finished 

I …home earlier if I hadn’t missed the bus

 would have been 

I don't know why Nancy didn't go to the meeting. She said she…. definitely going.


I haven't got a ticket. If… one, I could get in.

 I had 

I just had to take the dog out … of the awful weather.

in spite

I prefer dogs …cats. I hate cats.


I really enjoyed the disco. It was great, … ?

 wasn't it 

I…like that coat. It's really nice.


I…missed the bus. I was only just in time to catch it.


 If only people …keep sending me bills!


If the bus to the airport hadn't been so late, we… the plane.

 would have caught 

 I'm busy at the moment…. on the computer.

 I'm working 

I'm very tired . …. over four hundred miles today.

I've driven

 In many countries smoking has been _______ in public places.


I've got a meeting… Thursday afternoon.


I've read this paragraph three times, and I…understand it.

 can't still 

Janet was out of breath because ...

 she'd been running 

Last week Justin said 'I'll do it tomorrow.' He said he would do it….

 the following day 

My arms are aching now because… since two o'clock.

I've been swimming

My car… at the moment. I had an accident last week.

 is being repaired 

My father used the money he won to set…his own company.


My father… a lot but he gave up ten years ago.

 used to smoke 

My friend … the answer to the question.


Our friends…. meet us at the airport tonight.

 are going to 

Robert... ... ill for three weeks. He's still in hospital.

 has been 

She said that she _______ back later (call).

 would call 

Someone ….the tickets are free.

told me

Susan has to work very hard. I… do her job, I'm sure.


Susan is the woman…. husband is in hospital.


The chemist's was open, so luckily, I… buy some aspirin.

 was able to 

The film star’s photo… (take) when he was shopping with his girlfriend.

 was taken 

The government is doing nothing to help…

the poor

The house was …building.

 an old nice stone 

The librarian asked us…so much noise.

 not to make 

The teacher told us that the exam results… (not arrive) yet.

hadn’t arrived

The village is…. Sheffield. It's only six miles away.


 The young man seems very …


There was no one else at the box office. I…in a queue.

 didn't need to wait 

This car is…. if you're interested in buying it.

 for sale 

This detailed map is…the atlas

more useful than 

This detailed map is…the atlas

more useful than What did you leave the meeting early? … I didn't feel very well

This place gets…crowded with tourists every summer.

 more and more 

Unfortunately the driver… the red light.

 didn't see 

We gave… a meal.

 the visitors 

We had a party last night. …spend all morning clearing up the mess.

 I've had to 

 We…. to Ireland for our holidays last year.


We've lived in this flat…five years


What did you leave the meeting early? … I didn't feel very well.


What was that notice… ?

you were looking at

What's the weather like in Canada? How often… there?

does it snow

When I looked round the door, the baby… quietly.

 was sleeping 

When Martin….the car, he took it out for a drive.

 had repaired 

 Where…. the car?

 did you park 

Which team….the game?


Would he work late tonight if the boss …(ask) him?


York, … last year, is a nice old city.

 I visited 

You can see the details….the computer screen.


 You haven't eaten your pudding, ……it?

 Don't you want 

“VEN” diagrammasi qapnday organayzerlar qatoriga kiradi?


“Ven” diagrammasidan qanday hollarda foydalanish lozim ekanligini aniqlang-degan savolga tuzilgan test qanday darajadagi testga mansub.


“Keys?stadi” so‘zining ma’nosi nima

 inglizcha case – vaziyat, stadi – o‘rganish

“Ma’naviyatga tahdid” deganda nimani tushunasiz?

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Savol: Interfaol ta’lim bu-… Javob

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