Kirillova, et al.: The Principles of the Consumer Right Protection in Electronic Trade: A Comparative Law Analysis
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues |
Vol 6 • Special Issue (S2) • 2016
a decision in favor of a consumer, it would be difficult, if not
impossible, to achieve its execution abroad (Strzębicki, 2015).
The initiatives of the private sector that offer the consumers a
tangible assess to just and effective compensation can suggest
a practical solution in the short-term period. There is a number
of perspective programs, already in implementation, that help
to solve the disputes of the online consumers – such programs
as an intermediary in the online, the programs of blocking and
the overdraft on credit cards.
There has to be taken effort
aimed at the convergence of
the effective legislation in the area of the consumer right
protection, at the development of coordination and information
exchange among the law-administrating
bodies in consumer
right protection, and in the work on achieving agreements on
recognizing and providing the execution of court judgments on
consumer right protection cases at the international level.
A number of new concepts should be introduced into the legislative
practice by the corresponding international conventions. The
central among them is the concept of “electronic trade.” It appears
to be correct to differentiate electronic trade and the trade via the
internet, which are related as a part and a whole, and electronic
trade is a bigger concept and a kind of entrepreneurial activity, in
the process of which the subjects of law conclude, change, execute
and end contracts, by means of exchanging electronic messages.
The trade via the Internet is an entrepreneurial activity, conducted
by means of exchanging electronic messages, but, here, already
via the information and telecommunications network, called “the
internet”; it does not have to be a special kind of entrepreneurial
activity in the case, when the internet infrastructure is used by
the commercial bodies exclusively as a means of communication.
In this case, it is appropriate to talk only about a special kind of
conducting entrepreneurial activity in the territory of the internet.
A number of authors understand under electronic trade not only
entrepreneurial activity, but also
any other economic activity
that is closely related to it and is not prohibited, and conducted
in electronic form. The interaction instrument of the participants
of the privities in question are the electronic means of network
communication (Xu and Yuan, 2009). This position appears to be
more exact and well-reasoned.