InterOffice Memo

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Archie9: The archie service was inspired by the incredible number of FTP servers which appeared on the Internet during the 80’s. Archie is a simple service that contacts a configured set of chosen FTP servers periodically (using the basic FTP protocol) and builds indexes based on filenames stored on the servers. Users generally access archie via terminal services, although there is also a simple client-server protocol that can be used to query known archie servers on the Internet from specialized client software. Archie is provides no content-based searching mechanisms whatsoever, although it is a useful tool to locate one or more FTP locations for a particular file.
For example, a query on “pkzip*” (PKZIP is a popular PC compression utility) results in a list of FTP servers, and the respective location on each which maintain copies of the PKZIP software. As archie only accesses the directory listings on the servers, and not the information itself, archie offers no content based indexing or query capabilities. BunyIP Information Systems (an Internet services company) has recently announced plans to extend the archie capabilities to further include indexing of gopher menu objects in the second half of 1994.

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