Introduction to tourist consumer behavior
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Bog'liq 11-hafta Turistik xulq-atvorga atrof-muhit tasiri
- Tavsiya qilish tizimlari (Recommender systems)- ular iste'molchilarning afzalliklari va profillari bo'yicha eng ko'p istiqbollidan eng kam istiqbolligacha tartiblangan ro'yxatni taqdim etish orqali mijozlarga xarid qilish to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishda yordam berish uchun mo'ljallangan.
- Internet foydalanuvchilari tomonidan muntazam ravishda foydalaniladigan ko'plab onlayn xaridlarni taqqoslash saytlari iste'molchilarning sayohat faoliyati va qarorlariga bag'ishlangan. To'liq bo'lmagan ro'yxat - Expedia, Fastbooking, Illicotravel, Liligo, Planigo, Ratestogo va Venere.
- Ushbu onlayn xaridlarni taqqoslash saytlari ko'pchilik yoki barcha mavjud mahsulotlar uchun umumiy bo'lgan atributlardan foydalanishni taklif qiladi.
- The use of the Internet for booking travel-related services is growing tremendously
- Many Web users are still not confident about security on the Internet and
prefer to purchase off-line, that is, through traditional channels such as travel agents.
- Consequently, consumers use multiple channels when making arrangements
for travel, accommodation, and attractions
- Regarding the differences between online and off-line shoppers, personal
characteristics are a first set of explaining factors. The second one is prior
experience with the destination and Web use experience. The third set is
linked to attitudes toward Internet shopping and more precisely, attitudes toward outcomes of purchasing on the Web.
The Evidence of Digitalized Distribution
- Tourism is intangible. We used to have tickets and brochures, but now with internet there is no need for that. Dematerialisation is growing.
- Nowadays, more and more self-service technologies (SSTs) are implemented
for digital distribution in the tourism disintermediated world. They are
technological interfaces that enable customers to produce a service without involving direct service employees
- A consumer-friendly Web site enables visitors to find important information
“within two clicks” (frequently requested information should be displayed
on the first page with hyperlinks); the transaction function (ordering
functionality) is simple; current customers can easily retrieve and make
modifications on their initial command (even ordered from another channel).
The Role of Media Products on Consumer Behavior in Tourism
- It has been suggested that tourists’ imagination and consumption of destinations are no longer primarily influenced by destinations’ promotion material such as brochures and advertisements. Contemporary tourists are influenced by media products like literature and film to a much higher degree in Western societies
The Role of Media Products on Consumer Behavior in Tourism
- Rosslyn Chapel receives literary pilgrims paying tribute to The Da Vinci Code and
New Zealand has experienced a boom of tourist arrivals after the film release of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Cross-Cultural Differences in Tourist Behavior
- The tourism and travel industry has been experiencing an extraordinary increase in international tourism in the past decade. Worldwide international travel arrivals increased from 536 million in 1995 to nearly 900 million in 2007, with a 4.1 percent average growth per year. It has been predicted that this number may reach 1.6 billion by the year 2021.
- It seems that travelers from culturally different and non-English-speaking backgrounds will dominate the international marketplaces.
- Some cultural differences, such as different ways of life, customs, dress, music, or cuisine, may be experienced by international tourists directly at a destination and generate interest.
- individualism/collectivism (IDV) - refers to the extent to which individual goals and needs take primacy over group goals and needs.
- uncertainty avoidance (UAI) -refers to the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguity and uncertainty and avoids risk.
- power distance (PD) - refers to the extent to which a society accepts class differences and social inequality.
- masculinity/femininity (MAS) - refers to the extent to which a society emphasizes aggressiveness, competition, and gender inequality, versus quality of life and work, and gender quality.
- long- versus short-term orientation - differentiates societies according to their “time horizon” and approach to the past and present.
- Individuals from the long- term-oriented societies value long-term commitments and planning; focus on the past; and prescribe strong work ethics, perseverance, and persis- tence. Individuals from the short-term-oriented societies value short-term commitments and focus on the present rather than the past.
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