IntroductiontolinuxBog'liq introductiontolinux16
The Command Line
Interface (CLI)
The Command Line Interface is the most important interface to learn for Linux. Linux users will often
be asked to perform commands through the use of the CLI, and not through a GUI. As many of the
ISG courses require the use of a CLI, it is important that you are comfortable with working with it. To
this end, we will work through all of the following exercises using the CLI, and not the GUI.
However, all of the following ‘can’ be accomplished through the GUI. Running the same commands
on the CLI will give you a better understanding of how Linux works behind the scenes, and allow you
to appreciate the complexities of the system.
The following practical exercises have been written with the user ‘msai135’ as an
example. When attempting the following commands for yourself, please substitute ‘msai135’ for
your own username which has been pre-issued to you by Royal Holloway University. This username
should consist of four letters and three numbers.
Navigating the File System
First we need to learn how to move around the Linux file system. At this point you should already
have logged into the Linux Environment using PuTTY.
Once you have logged in, the directory you start in is your home directory. Each user is given their
own local home directory which is independent from everyone else’s. First you need to take note of
your home directory, as this is different for every user.
My Home directory is: ___________________________________________________________
i.e: /nas/ganymede/msc/home/msai135
Your home directory cannot be accessed by others, and nothing that you do within this directory can
have a system-wide effect. You are safe to explore without fear of breaking something.
Your Home Directory at Royal Holloway may be different to that on a standard
Linux Machine. Normally your home path would be /home/, but because the Royal
Holloway utilise Network Storage, your home path could be something like: /nas/ganymede/home/
‘pwd’ or ‘print working directory’
is a useful command to check the
full path of where you are currently
located within the Linux File System.
This can save you from getting lost,
or as a confirmation that you are
working in the correct directory.
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