• REMEMBER: If you delete something, it is gone! Check everything BEFORE you press enter! IMPORTANT
  • Introduction to the Command Line Interface
  • part of your grounding in the world of

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    part of your grounding in the world of 
    Information Security, you will increasingly be 
    expected to interact with systems in a more 
    direct way.
    Some brief warnings
    • The command line interface is case-sensitive. It does understand the difference between 
    a lower case t and an upper case T – Check what you’re typing as one wrong character can 
    cause a lot of problems.
    Unlike in Windows, Linux has no magic ‘Undo’ command, and no safety net that is the 
    Recycle Bin. Anything that you execute (run) in the command prompt would need to be 
    fixed manually. Double Check EVERY command that you type, to make sure it is correct. The 
    command line is a very powerful tool, and it requires a little more finesse and learning than 
    the GUI (Graphic User Interface).
    If you delete something, it is gone! Check everything BEFORE you press enter!
    EVERYTHING in Linux is Case Sensitive. This is important when typing commands!

    Accessing the Linux 
    Command Prompt
    To begin working through this guide, you will need to establish a connection to a Linux server.
    Please refer to the guide: ‘Connecting to the ISG Linux Terminal Server (Saturn)’ guide as issued by 
    the Information Security Group. Establish a connection to Saturn (saturn.isg.rhul.ac.uk) using PuTTY 
    as detailed in the guide.
    During password entry, you will not see any characters (e.g: ‘*’) appear – this is normal 
    behaviour for Linux. - Passwords are Case Sensitive!
    Introduction to the 
    Command Line Interface
    Once you have successfully logged in, you will be presented with the Command Line Interface, also 
    known as the ‘Command Prompt’. 
    The prompt should read: 
    so for example;
    The anatomy of a command line interface is as follows:

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