Issiqxona effekti va uning sabab va oqibatlariBog'liq Jumamurodova Gullola
Jumamurodova Gullola
CHirchiq Davlat Pedagogika Universiteti 2-kurs talbasi
Elektron pochta: jumamurodovagullola@gmail.com
Annotatsiya: Hozirgi kunda butun yer yuzini insoniyat qamrab olgan. Uning
qadami yetmagan biron makon yo‘q. Statistika ma’lumotlariga qaraganda 2020-yilda dunyo
aholi soni 7837 milliardga yetdi. Bu esa o‘z navbatida aholi sonining ortishi tufayli ko‘plab
sohalarga ijobiy ta’sir ko‘rsatdi. Misol tariqasida aytish mumkinki, taraqqiyotning, sanoat
korxonalarining, ishchi kuchining ortishiga sabab bo‘ldi. Shu qatorda shuni ham
unutmaslik kerakki, aholi sonining ortishi ijobiy ta’sir etib qolmasdan salbiy ta’sir ham
ko‘rsatdi. Aytish kerakki, aholi sonining yildan yilga oshishi demografik portlashga,
tabiatga, aholi ehtiyojlarining ortishiga sabachi bo‘lib kelmoqda. Bungi kunda yana bir
global muammo yer yuzi aholisini talvasaga solib kelmoqda. Ya’ni termodinamik
muvozanatning buzilishiga, atmosfera issiqlik darajasining ortishiga sabab bo‘lmoqda. Bu
global muammoning kelib chiqishidagi asosiy sabab issiqxona effektidir.
Kalit so‘z: Ekologik muammo, haroratning ko‘tarilishi, global isish, issiqxona
gazlari, ekolokik omil.
Annotation: Today the whole earth is covered by humanity. There is no place that he
has not reached. According to statistics,the population will reach 7837 milliard in 2020.
This, in turn, has had a positive impact on many sectors due to population growth. For
example, it has led to the growth of industrial enterprises and the growth of the labor force.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that population growth has had both a positive
and a negative impact.It should be noted that the population growth from year to year is
causing a demographic explosion,nature,increasing the needs of the population. Today,
another global problem is plaguing the world’s population.In other words, the disturbance
of thermodynamic equilibrium causes the temperature of the atmosphere to rise.The main
reason for the orign of this global problemis the greenhouse affect.
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