Journal of scientific research and technology(jsrt) volume-x issue-x month

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There are enough opportunities and conditions for the development of the digital economy in Uzbekistan, but the development stage is very slow. There are several factors that cause this, the most important of which are the low speed and quality of the Internet, the outdated legislation in the field of information technologies, low computer literacy, and the lack of specialists in information technologies. level of information technology security.
In the future, in the perspective of modern development, technologies for working with large-scale data (Big Data), artificial intelligence, neurotechnologies, quantum technologies, the Internet of Things, robotics and sensors, digital electronic platforms, cloud and mobile technologies, virtual and extended truth. technologies, crowdsourcing, blockchain technologies, digital technologies such as cryptocurrencies and ICOs, 3D technologies are becoming crucial. The digital economy is said to bring unprecedented change to more than half of the industries that exist today.
Development of this field is becoming a demand of the present time. The development of the digital economy is an important, strategic task for Uzbekistan, which determines its competitiveness at the global level.
They are already benefiting greatly from the introduction of the digital economy. In particular, the US exports more than 400 billion dollars of digital services per year. More than 5 percent of the country's gross domestic product is directly related to the Internet and information and telecommunication technologies. By 2025, the US will gain an additional 20 trillion in industrial digitization. dollar income is expected. Such economic efficiency is especially high in the production of consumer goods ($10.3 trillion), automobile industry ($3.8 trillion) and logistics ($3.9 trillion). According to the results of various studies, the weight of the digital economy in the world economy ranges from 4.5 to 15.5 percent.
He mentioned how changes can be observed in the transition from the old economy to the new economy through the rapid development of information and communication technologies. As noted above, the theory of the digital economy has not yet been fully formed and is widely studied by many economists. "Digital" countries - that is, countries with highly developed digital economies today - are Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The USA, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong are among the top 10 countries with developed digital economy. Studying the experience of these countries and working on their basis will help to achieve the intended goal faster.
The purpose of the research is to shed light on the nature of the digital economy, to identify its advantages and disadvantages, and to develop a scientific proposal and practical recommendations for the further development of this field in Uzbekistan.
According to research, by the end of 2024, it is estimated that a quarter of the world's GDP will fall on the digital sector. However, the fact that Uzbekistan occupies the 101st place among more than 170 countries of the world according to the international index of development of information and communication technologies indicates that there are many problems that are still waiting to be solved in this regard. The head of our state said, "Although our country rose to 103rd place in the international index of development of information and communication technologies in 2022, it is also true that it is still lagging behind. Away from digital technologies, of course, we know very well that building a digital economy requires the necessary infrastructure, a lot of money and labor resources, which will not only increase the quality of products and services, but also reduce unnecessary costs. At the same time, they make me very it is also an effective remedy in eliminating the worst vices that cause anxiety and distress. We all need to understand this deeply, the widespread introduction of digital technologies in state and community management can increase efficiency in the social sphere, in a word, dramatically improve people's lives."
Research methods. In the process of preparing the article, dialectical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, scientific abstraction, monographic observation, systematic and comparative analysis methods were used. Main results. When we hear the term digital economy for the first time, what is the "digital economy"? Where did it come from? asking questions is natural. If we study the history of the origin of the concept of "digital economy", digital economy was defined recently, that is, in 1995, by the American scientist Nicholas Negreponte, who works at the University of Massachusetts.
Naturally, this indicator is high in developed countries. The share of the digital economy in the gross domestic product is 11% in the USA, 10.5% in China, 5.8% in India, and no more than 4% in Uzbekistan.
The digital economy is used to represent two different concepts. First, the digital economy is a modern stage of development characterized by the priority of creative work and the benefit of information.
Mark Porat is one of the American scientists who distinguished the primary and secondary economic sectors.
For example, according to the experts of the World Bank, a 10% increase in the number of high-speed Internet users allows to increase the gross volume of national economies by an average of 0.4-1.4% every year. The growth rate of the digital economy in the world is almost 20 percent per year. In developed countries, the share of the digital economy in the GDP reached 7%.
Almost 40% of the added value created in the field of global information and communication technologies and 75% of patents related to blockchain technologies belong to the United States of America and the People's Republic of China. In the conditions of globalization of the world economy and technological development, it is difficult to imagine the economic development of Uzbekistan without the digital economy.
In the scientific literature, the modern "New digital economy" is called by different terms. For example, "Post-industrial economy" (D. Bell), "Information economy" (O. Toffler), "Megaeconomy" (V. Kuvaldin), "Economy based on information and communication" (I. Niiniluto), "Technology. or digital economy" (B. Gates), "Economy based on knowledge" (D. Tapscott).
Secondly, the digital economy is a unique concept, the object of its study is the information society.
Although the secondary sector is considered important for the economy, its economic evaluation is a more complex task because it includes information activities within companies and state enterprises.
Until now, the theory of the digital economy has not yet been fully formed and is widely studied by many economists.
Russian scientist N.S. Revenko also studied the changes in the trends of the digital economy in the context of globalization, and V.M. Bondarenko dealt with issues of formation, development and improvement of the digital economy.
In the conditions of today's rapidly developing world economy, the digital economy is in the early stages of its development, and the period of transition to the digital information stage of our time is only a few decades. World practice shows that the share of the digital economy in the GDP is one of the indicators of the country's development.
In this regard, his three-volume monograph entitled "Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture" was published.
The primary sector can be economically evaluated precisely because it creates direct market value.
The term "digital economy" was introduced into scientific practice by Manuel Castells, a Spanish and American sociologist, a leading researcher of the information society.
The term "digital economy" was first coined as a separate concept in 1995 by Don Tepcott in "The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence". This publication highlights fundamental innovations (semiconductors, processors), core technologies (computers), and connecting infrastructures (internet and telecommunications networks) as key components of the digital economy.

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Journal of scientific research and technology(jsrt) volume-x issue-x month

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