• Keywords – digital economy, economics, market economy, digital technology, digitization, robotics, IT, digital dividends, internet banking. I. INTRODUCTION
  • Journal of scientific research and technology(jsrt) volume-x issue-x month

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    The digital economy and its development factors.
    First Author
    1First author affiliation/ Uzbek, Khurramov Khurshid Shuhrat, Sherobod District, Surkhandarya Region, Republic of Uzbekistan, xxurramov707@gmail.com
    Abstract- Currently, the digital economy and its development factors have a significant impact on many developed countries, and the digital economy also plays an important role in the life of society. In this article, you can find answers to questions about the digital economy, such as "What is the digital economy?", "Tasks and goals of the digital economy", "The impact of the digital economy on the market economy", "Demand". For the digital economy in Uzbekistan", "Obstacles to the development of the digital economy".
    Keywords – digital economy, economics, market economy, digital technology, digitization, robotics, IT, digital dividends, internet banking.


    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his Address to the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis declared 2020 as the "Year of Science, Enlightenment and Digital Economy Development" in Uzbekistan. After that, our people began to have many questions about the term "digital economy". Over time, our people began to find answers to the questions they were interested in.

    Digital economy is a system of implementation of economic, social and cultural relations based on the use of digital technologies. It is sometimes referred to as the internet economy, the new economy, or the web economy.
    Recently, the concept of "digital economy" has been used a lot. Indeed, in many developed countries, the digital economy has significantly influenced their development factors. The digital economy is not some kind of economy that needs to be created from scratch, it means moving the existing economy to a new system by creating new technologies, platforms and business models and introducing them into everyday life.
    So this article will be about the digital economy. Through this article, together with you, we will try to find answers to such important questions as "What is the digital economy?", "Tasks and goals of the digital economy", "Obstacles in the development of the digital economy in Uzbekistan".
    For example, the development of information and communication technologies can help to save time, which is the most valuable for a person, and to use it effectively.
    Before covering this topic, let's look at a situation that can happen in our daily life. Imagine that buying a printed version of a book is more expensive than buying an electronic version of this book, as another example, you came home from work on Saturday, you are with your family members, and suddenly on Saturday and Sunday, you go to Bukhara region for the weekend by car or some travel chapter thought of traveling to the place. But you don't have your own car. Then you entered the websites or mobile applications of car rental companies using your computer or smartphone, entered your name, driver's license number and ordered a car for 4 people for one day. Now you need to choose the direction of travel. Where to go, which museum, historical monuments to visit. Then you enter the websites or mobile applications of travel agencies, enter the number of family members, and choose a tourist destination that is interesting for you and your family members. Then on Sunday morning you will have a 4-seater car in front of your house, tickets to museums and historical sites on your smartphone, and a pre-booked hotel reservation. You organized a family, car, trip for a day without going anywhere, without calling anyone. Then you went to Bukhara. After being there for two days, you feel a little tired when you come home on Sunday evening, and you have to go to work on Monday. Then you take your smartphone and immediately buy tickets for Afrosiyab high-speed trains for yourself and your family members, go to the station and go home, the car will be left at the station. It can be seen that we can partially save our money through the development of information and communication technologies. We don't need to wait in line for hours at banks to make utility payments, we will be able to do any work from anywhere. It is also very convenient for women who stay at home or have young children. They can have the opportunity to earn money by doing online trading without leaving their home while doing housework.
    In addition, it will be possible to effectively use these technologies in the field of education. It is possible to monitor the attendance of pupils and students, to be aware of the results and achievements of learning lessons. Today, the processes of using technologies in the field of education are significantly improving. As an example: technologies are widely used in (pre-school, school, higher educational institutions). We can cite as an example the processes of admission of children of kindergarten age to educational institutions and the establishment of attendance systems in preschool educational institutions. Technologies are widely used in secondary schools and higher education institutions.
    The transition to the digital economy will certainly not affect the increase in production efficiency, the increase in the competitiveness of companies, the reduction of production costs, the creation of new jobs, and the emergence of new modern professions. In short, the development of the digital economy can change our lives in a positive way.
    The concept of digital economy was defined relatively recently, in 1995 by Nicholas Negroponte, an American scientist from the University of Massachusetts. The scientist mentioned what changes may occur during the transition from the old economy to the new economy following the intensive development of information and communication technologies.
    The digital economy is an economic activity in which the main factor in production and service is information in the form of numbers, and with the help of processing a large amount of information and analyzing the result of this processing, various types of production, service, technologies, devices, storage, is to implement more efficient solutions than the previous system in delivering products. In other words, the digital economy is an activity connected with the development of digital computer technologies in the provision of online services, electronic payments, Internet trade, crowdfunding and other types of industries.
    Basically, electronic commerce, internet banking, electronic payments, internet advertising, and at the same time, internet games are considered as the main elements of the development of the digital economy.
    Electronic commerce (electronic commerce, visual. "e-commerce") - organization of trade operations via the Internet. An example of e-commerce is eBay, which is now the world's largest online auction and store. Vibo Marketplace is an example of e-commerce in Uzbekistan. The term e-commerce itself appeared almost immediately after the advent of the computer in the 1950s and 1960s. One of the first applications was the exchange of information between different services for booking transport tickets and preparing flights. In 1961, Leonard Kleinrock of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed the theory of packet switching for data transmission. E-commerce is used to describe commercial activities on the Internet. It enables buying, selling, servicing and marketing activities using a computer network. Electronic commerce activities are defined and implemented by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 29, 2022 "On Electronic Commerce" No. ORQ-792. Internet banking is the general name of remote banking technologies, as well as access to accounts and operations (on them) provided at any time and from any device connected to the Internet. A browser is used to perform operations, which means that there is no need to install the client part of the system software.
    Internet banking allows you to manage your bank account online. Monitoring of individual accounts and making payments, filling up corporate cards, monthly payments and similar services have been launched. To take full advantage of Internet banking technology, you need a computer connected to the Internet and a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. Electronic payments are a system of cashless money transfers using electronic documents used in information systems, information technologies and technical means. Internet advertising is advertising placed on the Internet. Internet advertising, as a rule, has a two-step nature. The first step is outdoor advertising - an advertising tool placed by the advertiser with publishers. These types of ads: banners, text blocks, video ads. Such advertising usually links directly to the advertiser's website. Advertising on the Internet has several advantages over traditional advertising: the ability to monitor the reactions and actions of the Internet user, the advertiser can quickly make changes to the current advertising campaign. Any user action is called a conversion.
    Thanks to the development and introduction of information technologies, many conveniences are appearing in our daily life. Let's say we want to eat but don't want to cook, no problem, we can order the food we want through online home delivery service. Or we need to transfer money to a friend, no need to go to a bank or financial institution for payment, we can transfer money through mobile banking. We can provide many of these services online, via smartphone or computer.

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