Getting Started with the Basics
Go Play Now!
Now that you have some basic skills for navigating around the filesystem,
you can play with your Linux system a bit before progressing. The best way
to become comfortable with using the terminal is to try out your newfound
skills right now.
In subsequent chapters, we will explore farther and deeper
into our hacker playground.
Before you move on to Chapter 2, try out the skills you learned from this chapter
by completing the following exercises:
1. Use the ls command from the root (/) directory to explore the directory
structure of Linux. Move to each of the directories with the cd command
and run pwd to verify where you are in the directory structure.
2. Use the whoami command to verify which user you are logged in as.
3. Use the locate command to find wordlists that
can be used for password
4. Use the cat command to create a new file and then append to that file.
Keep in mind that > redirects input to a file and >> appends to a file.
5. Create a new directory called
hackerdirectory and create a new file in
that directory named
Now copy that file to your /root directory
and rename it