Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking
Describe s short course that you have taken or would like to attend
You should say:
What the course is about
Where you did it or would do it
Why you choose or would choose this course
How it has benefited or will benefit you
Use exactly the same content as Experience 1: something difficult that you did well
and Experience 2: Something you would like to succeed in doing. This topic card gives you
the choice of a course you have attend or a course you would like to attend. Talk about a
course ―you would like to take‖. If you do this you must use conditional tenses (if +
would/could/might) and this will increase your grammar score.
Experience 5: A happy event
Describe a happy event in your life
You should say:
What the event was
What you did
Why it was happy
Whether this type of event is common in your country
The obvious choice for this topic is a birthday party.
Uncommon Vocabulary
a birthday bash(= a birthday party)
Use the vocabulary from Part one topic 13: restaurant, Part one toptic 23: happiness,