• Diacon
  • Esseys
  • Zabur
  • Vojib- according to Hanafiy’s sact it is used for the actions that must be done when the order doesn’t come straight in the Koran. Galaxa

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    Мавзу Фалсафа фанининг предмети, ма=сади, вазифалари ва муаммол

    Vojib- according to Hanafiy’s sact it is used for the actions that must be done when the order doesn’t come straight in the Koran.
    Galaxa – yahudiylikdagi diniy, oilaviy va fuqarolik qonunlari majmui.
    Galakha-it is religious ,marital,citizenship collecation laws of Jewishs.
    Dao – daosizm dinidagi oliy ilohiyot
    Dao- superior theology of Daosism.
    Diakon (yunoncha — xizmatchi) – xristian cherkovlaridagi eng quyi ruhoniylik darajasi.
    Diacon (greek – servant) – the mos lowest level of clergyman in the Christian church.
    Yepiskop – (qad. yunon. «nazorat qiluvchi») ko`p xristian cherkovlarida – oliy ierarx. Barcha arxiereylarning (patriarx, mitropolit, arxiepiskop) umumlashgan nomi.
    Episcop- (ancient greek. “supervisor”) In most Christian churchs –superior ierarx.It is the generalized name of (patriarx,mitropolit,arxiepiscop) all arxiereys.
    Esseylar – qadimiy yahudiylikdagi oqim.
    Esseys- it is the ancient trend of Jevish.
    Jabroil – Alloh bilan payg`ambarlar o`rtasida elchi vazifasini bajaruvchi farishta.
    Jabroil- embassador angel between Allah and prophets.
    Johiliya – (arab. «yagona Allohni tanimaslik») Arabiston yarim orolining islom dinidan avvalgi davri shunday atalgan.
    Jahiliya- (Arabic “don’t recognize single Allah”) Saudi Arabua peninsula was naed so,before Islam religion period.
    Zabur – Dovud payg`ambarga tushirilgan kitob. “Qadimgi Ahd” tarkibiga kiritilgan bo`lib, turli qo`shiq va madhiyalardan iborat.
    Zabur- It is the book of was given to Davud.It was submitted to ‘Ancient Treaty’ and consists of different songs.
    Zakot – (arab. «tozalanish, poklanish») islomning besh ruknidan biri. Mol-mulk nisobiga (muayyan miqdorga) etgach, uning qirqdan biri (2,5 %) kambag`allar foydasiga sadaqa sifatida beriladi.
    Zakot-(Arabic.’to be cleaning’) One of five rukns of islam.When possession is enough, it is given to the poor its 2,5% as a charity.

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Vojib- according to Hanafiy’s sact it is used for the actions that must be done when the order doesn’t come straight in the Koran. Galaxa

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