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  • Mavzu; Qishloq xo’jaligida yer-suv resurslari va ulardan foydalanish samaradorligi “kwhl” metodi

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    “W1H” metodi

    Metodning maqsadi: Mazkur metod tinglovchilarda yangi axborotlar tizimini qabul qilish va biliimlarni tizimlashtirish maqsadida qo‘llaniladi, shuningdek, bu metod tinglovchilar uchun mavzu bo‘yicha qo‘yidagi jadvalda berilgan oltita savollarga javob topish mashqi vazifasini belgilaydi.


    (ta’rifi, mazmuni, nima uchun ishlatiladi)

    Land resources are lands that can be used for the needs of the national economy
    Water resources are usable surface water, groundwater, and soil moisture reserves
    Efficiency is the ability to get the desired result. When something is said to be effective, it means that it has an intended or unexpected result, or that it leaves a deep, vivid impression.The word effective comes from the Latin word effectivevus, which means creative or effective. It appeared between 1300-1400 AD

    Yer resurslari — xalq xoʻjaligi ehtiyojlari uchun foydalanish mumkin boʻlgan yerlar
    Suv resurslari – foydalanish uchun yaroqli boʻlgan yer usti, yer osti suvlari va tuproqdagi nam zaxiralari
    Samaradorlik — bu istalgan natijani olish qobiliyatidir. Agar biror narsa samarali deb topilsa, bu uning kutilgan yoki kutilmagan natijaga ega ekanligini yoki chuqur, yorqin taassurot qoldirishini anglatadi."Samarali" soʻzi lotincha „effectīvus“ soʻzidan kelib chiqqan boʻlib, ijodiy yoki samarali degan maʼnolarni anglatadi. U eramizning 1300—1400-yillari orasida paydo boʻlgan


    Qayerda (joylashgan, qaerdan olish mumkin)?

    Earth fields are definitely located on the planet Earth of the solar system. It is the only planet in the solar system that has life. In this, we live on the planet Earth and perform various activities on it. There is no life on other planets. The planet Earth has all the necessary opportunities for agriculture. Areas of land and water resources are clearly located. In order to use them, they are transported by different ways. In this case, there is a need for an irrigation system to transport water resources.

    Yer maydonlar albatta Quyosh tizimining Yer sayyorasida joylashgan. Quyosh tizimida hayot mavjud bo’lgan yagona sayyora. Bunda biz Yer sayyorasida yashaymiz va unda turli xil faoliyatni amalga oshiramiz. Boshqa sayyoralarda hayot mavjud emas. Yer sayyorasida qishloq xo’jaligi uchun zarur bo’lgan barcha imkoniyatlar mavjud. Yer maydonlari va suv resurslari joylashgan hududlar aniq joylashgandir. Bundan ulardan foydalanish maqsadida turli xil yo’llar orqali transportirovka qilinadi. Bunda suv resurslari tashish uchun ham irrigatsiya tizimiga ehtiyoj mavjuddir.

    What kind?

    Qanday? (parametrlari, turlari mavjud)

    Land composition is a collection of data on the distribution of the state land fund among sectors of the national economy, the ratio of land types, weight and area indicators. The integrated land fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan is divided into the following depending on the purpose of use: agricultural land; lands of settlements (cities, towns, lands of rural settlements); land of industry, transport, communications, etc.; lands intended for nature protection, health improvement, recreational and historical-cultural purposes; forest fund lands, water fund lands, reserve lands. Q.x. the lands given for their needs or allocated for these purposes are considered agricultural lands. Water resources are usable surface water, groundwater, and soil moisture reserves. Sr. It is divided into ancient (surface layers, polar and high mountain glaciers, large lakes and similar collected fresh waters) and renewable (river flows, variable and dynamic reserves of underground water, part of the volume of lakes, etc.). Water resources include water bodies - rivers, lakes, seas, because they are used for shipping, hydropower, fisheries, recreation, tourism and other purposes. Only 2.5% of stagnant water in the hydrosphere is fresh water (only about 1% of it is usable by humans), 70% is glaciers, and the rest is in the form of soil moisture. Rivers, running lakes, and most groundwater are also fresh. According to some accounting books, there are 1454 327.2 thousand km³ of standing water resources in the Earth's World Ocean, underground water, glaciers, moisture in the soil, river water, atmospheric vapors. Theoretically, water resources are inexhaustible, because when these resources are used wisely, water resources are constantly renewed. But in many countries, due to the increase in the use of water resources for agriculture, industry, communal economy and other purposes, as well as the influence of various factors, as a result of the pollution of water sources due to the discharge of dirty water into rivers and lakes without purification, by the end of the 20th century, the problem of water shortage appeared in front of mankind. The UN held the 3rd World Forum on Water Resources (2003, Kyoto, Japan) dedicated to the problems of providing fresh water to humanity in the future, and 2003 was declared the International Year of Freshwater. In Central Asia, Sr. mainly consists of dynamic reserves of river flows and groundwater (renewable resources), as well as age-old water reserves of mountain glaciers and lakes. River flows are formed as a result of seasonal snowpacks, melting of glaciers and glaciers in the mountains, as well as precipitation. Groundwater in the mountains comes from the sources of water intake listed above. Groundwater in mountainous and irrigated regions is mainly saturated at the expense of surface water. Water resources of river and underground water are interdependent. Excessive use of groundwater reduces river flow. In the irrigated agricultural regions of Central Asia, the annual resources of river water are 114 km³, including 74.7 km³ in Amudarya (together with Zarafshan and Kashkadarya), 39 km³ in Syrdarya, and 2.4 km³ in Tajan and Murgob. Water resources are geographically uneven, and although they are formed in the mountains, they are used mainly in the plains with the help of a wide network of irrigation canals.
    Territorial unevenness of water resources creates shortages in water consumption. To eliminate it, part of the flow is redistributed from one region to another. Flow redistribution was carried out on a very large scale in the Amudarya (Karakum, AmuBukhara, Big Hisar, Karshi canals, etc.) and Syrdarya (Big Fergana, Big Andijan, Big Namangan, South Mirzachol canals, etc.) basins (see Inter-basin drainage of rivers, State Water Fund ).

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    Mavzu; Qishloq xo’jaligida yer-suv resurslari va ulardan foydalanish samaradorligi “kwhl” metodi

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