El Torito CD to image:
Add EWF Management Console application to image
Add EWF NTLDR to image
Depending on your needs, you can also add the following useful components:
Disk Management Command line utility.
FAT/NTFS Common Format/Tools Files.
Registry Editor.
Power Management Application
Beep Driver
System Cloning Tool
/////For information only/////
If you wish to optimize system boot performance using the above service, you might consider a variation of the above. In this case, do not modify the EnableAutoLayout registry key initially. Let FBA complete, with EWF disabled, and then run a test pass that exercises the functionality of your runtime image. Perform several reboots during this time, and keep track of how long it takes to boot up. Once boot time has been optimized by the background disk defragmentation service, set the EnableAutoLayout key to 0 as described above.
You should not enable the system memory Page File. This is a configurable setting in the PC component, which manifests as one of the following components
Standard PC (HAL.DLL)
ACPI Multiprocessor PC (HALMACPI.DLL)
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC (HALACPI.DLL)
Check dependencies (F5 keystroke).
Double click on the task.
Choose Explorer shell.
Check dependencies (F5)