Build the Standard 2009 image (F7)
When build is done, click Close.
Step 2: Transfer built image to target device.
Transfer built image to the FAT-16 boot partition on the target device (C:).
///// Do NOT copy the boot.ini from the image on the dev machine. It will overwrite your boot.ini if you do this. /////
///// Do NOT REBOOT the image if you have not built the FIRST CD (Preliminary CD) yet. Go to step 3 /////
If you have already built or you have a Preliminary CD, proceed to Step 4 below.
Step 3: Convert run-time image to ISO format before FBA runs to generate the Preliminary CD.
Convert your run-time image into an ISO-9660 image file using the El Torito CD Image Preparation tool (Hd2iso.exe) which should be on your XP Pro partition.
The El Torito CD Image Preparation tool creates a bootable CD image from a partition on a physical disk. It converts the hard disk partition image to an ISO-9660/El Torito-compliant image file that can be burned to a CD using a commercial CD-burning application.
Step by step
You should already be booted on XP Professional on Target Device
Execute hd2iso.exe (that you have copied previously from your development station and that is present most of the time under \program files\Windows Embedded\utilities).
Press 1.
Press 2.