Press 3.
Press 1.
Press P.
Press 4.
Enter full path and name file to ISO image and press Return.
Press 6.
When ISO file is done, press a key and Q to quit HD2ISO.
Copy or move the .iso file to your development station where the CD burning hardware and software reside.
Burn the pre-FBA image produced by the El Torito CD Image Preparation tool onto a CD using commercial CD burning software that is ISO-9660 compliant.
The following example was done using ROXIO software:
With the Roxio software installed on your machine where the cd burner is located, go to the ISO file generated in the above steps and double click it.
The Roxio software will prompt you to insert a blank disk, etc.
Step 4: Run FBA and validate the status of EWF
On Target Device, enter BIOS setup and configure Boot Sequence to start first with hard disk.
On target device, insert the Preliminary CD into the CD ROM drive, and then boot the Standard 2009 run-time image located on the 650 MB hard disk partition.
/////NOTE: You must have an El Torito CD in the drive when you run FBA, so that it is discovered as such by the FBA software/////.
The Eltorito.sys driver will detect, report, and set up the new disk volume during the Plug and Play enumeration phase in FBA.
Allow your target system to run FBA. With EWF, FBA will usually reboot the system twice before it has completed its process and you can view the shell.
Log on to your target system (the default in the boot.ini file), and validate the status of EWF using Ewfmgr.exe from a command shell.
Volume Size 32256
Segments 0
Segment Size 0
Free segments 0
Max Levels 1
Max Protected Volumes 1
Protected Volumes 1
Overlay volume percent full -1.#J
Protected volumes
Device Name "\Device\HarddiskVolume1" [C:]
Verify the status for Protected Volume Configuration by typing ewfmgr c:. The EWF Manager Console application will display the status of the protected volume as shown in the following code:
Protected Volume Configuration
Type RAM
Boot Command NO_CMD
Param1 0
Param2 0
Persistent Data ""
Volume ID C7 A9 1A EA 00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Device Name "\Device\HarddiskVolume1" [C:]
Max Levels 1
Clump Size 512
Current Level 1
Memory used for data 0 bytes
Memory used for mapping 0 bytes
Now, check fbalog.txt
Go to c:\windows\fba
Notepad fbalog.txt
The FBA log should contain EWF information at the end of the log file as shown in the following example:
ConfigureEwf() Start.
Getting EWF config parameters from registry.
EWF Partition Size = 0 (KBytes), Levels = 1, Volumes = 1.
Protected Volume Config #0 :
Disk= 0,Part= 1,DiskType= IDE,Type= RAM.
Enable= Disabled, Optimize= 0, LazyWrite= N.
Found 2 Hard Disks.
Searching for El Torito disk.
Disk0 signature = 0x499602D2.
Disk1 signature = 0x4F544C45.
Disk1 is an ElTorito disk.
Disk #0 layeout info:
PRIMARY partition,start=0x00000001966dfa00, len=0x0000000025429800, type= 6
Created EWF partition on Disk = 1, partition = 1,size = 0x0000000000007e00 .
Saving EWF configuration to registry:
Protected Volume ArcName = multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1).
EWF Volume Config on Disk#1, Partition#1:
Segments = 0, Max Volumes = 1, Max Levels = 1
Protected Volume Config on Disk0\Partition1 :
Type = RAM, State= DISABLED.
ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x0.
If the status in the configureEwf() End statement is not equal to zero, look for error messages in the EWF log section and go back over the partitioning and setup steps previously described.
Check the disk configuration and verify that target device contains the El Torito CD in addition to the original disks from which you booted the target device. If not, read the FBA log file and be sure that the El Torito CD drive was listed in Plug and Play by searching for the Eltorito\eltoritodiskdevice string
Diskpart> List volume
Volume Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
-------- --- ----------- ---- ------ ------ ------ ----
Volume 0 E Windows XP CDfs CD Rom 643 Mb
Volume X C NTFS partition 643 Mo Heathly System