• tableDiv.innerHTML = result;
  • // Associate the done() event handler to the // onreadystatechange event.
  • // Load the XML document from the server. xmldoc.load("http://spartus/xml/clients.xml"); // At this point we can do tasks until our XML document
  • 4 times as it moves through the // various stages in parsing. function done() { // Check if the XML is ready to be used; otherwise, return.
  • // Parse the XML document that is passed as a string.
  • // Display the name of each client

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    Ceponkus, Hoodbhoy - Applied XML - Toolkit for Programmers
    1. Работа с современными учебными техническими средствами по информационным технологиям1, Quchqorov Bahromning F.O`.M fanidan Slayd, 65dfb5a88b75b5da48b5a403fa4d41c2, CqAmAyPw4fTCALP4WYshpYdZitzfIdVeTpeXQRhQ, Toza qayta tiklanadigan energiyaga global talabning tobora ortib borayotgani bizning sayyoramizdagi kelajagimiz uchun katta iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy ta, 1, 1, 853777, O.S.Axmedov Python dasturlash tili fanidan yakuniy nazorat 30ta bilet [3 0], Fortuna akumliyatori, Презентация2, 1. Gravirazvedka — lotin, DMM6500-FRP-v1 7 12 Apr 2022 RNs DMM6500-FRP-V1.7.12, Microsoft Word Document, 1- 2Электромагнит нурланишларнинг муҳитлар билан таъсирлашуви фанининг предмети
    // Display the name of each client.

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