• Insert the quantity of the current item into the table. %>
  • XSL Models of Usage
  • ' length is the number of items ordered

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    Ceponkus, Hoodbhoy - Applied XML - Toolkit for Programmers
    1. Работа с современными учебными техническими средствами по информационным технологиям1, Quchqorov Bahromning F.O`.M fanidan Slayd, 65dfb5a88b75b5da48b5a403fa4d41c2, CqAmAyPw4fTCALP4WYshpYdZitzfIdVeTpeXQRhQ, Toza qayta tiklanadigan energiyaga global talabning tobora ortib borayotgani bizning sayyoramizdagi kelajagimiz uchun katta iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy ta, 1, 1, 853777, O.S.Axmedov Python dasturlash tili fanidan yakuniy nazorat 30ta bilet [3 0], Fortuna akumliyatori, Презентация2, 1. Gravirazvedka — lotin, DMM6500-FRP-v1 7 12 Apr 2022 RNs DMM6500-FRP-V1.7.12, Microsoft Word Document, 1- 2Электромагнит нурланишларнинг муҳитлар билан таъсирлашуви фанининг предмети
    ' length is the number of items ordered
    ' minus 1 because the index starts on 0 and not 1
    length = xml.documentElement.childNodes.length - 1
    ' Generate a row for each ordered item
    For i = 0 To length

    <% Next %>

    ' Insert the name of the current item into the table. %>


    ' Insert the quantity of the current item into the table. %>


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    , , and
    . From this, you can also tell that flow objects can nest themselves 
    (for example, putting table rows inside table tags, which in turn can be nested within the 
    XSL defines a vocabulary of flow objects that all XSL stylesheets can use. These flow 
    objects have 
    that provide exact control over how the flow object works. 
    These characteristics work in a fashion similar to the way HTML flow objects are 
    controlled; that is, through attribute tweaking (think align = “center”
    In addition to the core vocabulary of flow objects that XSL uses for all output formats, XSL 
    also includes a set of flow objects that is specifically used for outputting HTML. Most of the 
    examples in this chapter use these flow objects just because they are the easiest to render 
    (everyone has an HTML browser, but not everyone has a SpeechML browser—yet).
    XSL Models of Usage
    XSL stylesheets are used in two generic ways depending on the nature of the XML 
    document for which they are targeted. They are template-driven and data-driven models. 
    Let’s take a look at what each of these models entails.

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    ' length is the number of items ordered

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