Ob’yekt –- Umumiy informatikada – axborot birligi. Qo`llanmalarning turiga qarab, bu atama ancha keng ma’noda ishlatiladi
bet | 13/16 | Sana | 13.05.2024 | Hajmi | 2,44 Mb. | | #230441 |
Bog'liq Microsoft Word bmi qodirqulova doc-1Ob’yekt –- Umumiy informatikada – axborot birligi. Qo`llanmalarning turiga qarab, bu atama ancha keng ma’noda ishlatiladi
Object - a material thing that can be seen and touched he was dragging a large object, small objects such as shells
Uskunalar- ma’lum vazifani bajaruvchi maxsus asboblar, masalan yozuv uskunalari bo’lishi mumkin
Instruments- a tool or implement, especially one for precision work a surgical instrument, instruments of torture, writing instruments
Loyiha – Project - an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim a research project, a project to build a new power station
Ma’lumotlar- Rasmiylashtirilgan, ya’ni uzatish, izohlash va qayta ishlash uchun mos shaklda taqdim etilgan axborot
Data- information, especially facts or numbers, collected for examination and consideration and used to help decision-making, or information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer
Login - Kompyuterdan erkin foydalanishga ega bo`lish uchun foydalaniluvchi qayd yozuvi nomi. Maxfiy emas
Login to connect a computer to a computer system by typing your name, so that you can start working
Gipermurojaat – kompyuterda xujjaning biror qismiga murojaat qilish yoki avtomatik murojat qilishni ta’minlovchi buyruq. Bunda gipermurojaat xujjatning maxsus elementiga o’rnatiladi.
Hyperlink- In computing, a hyperlink (or link) is a reference to a document that the reader can directly follow, or that is followed automatically. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document.
Matnli xabar - Matndan iborat va tarmoq bo`yicha uzatiladigan xabar
Text message - a written message, usually containing words that have been shortened, sent from one mobile phone or pager to another.
Bosh sahifa
Bosh sahifa
Ob’yekt –- Umumiy informatikada – axborot birligi. Qo`llanmalarning turiga qarab, bu atama ancha keng ma’noda ishlatiladi