Microsoft Word bmi qodirqulova doc
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Bog'liq Microsoft Word bmi qodirqulova doc-1Graphic objects - are computer images used to represent resources and data in graphical displays.
Matnli fayl- ko’pincha mnatnli fayl emas yozuvli fayl deb ishlatiladi, ma’lumotning belgilar orqali ifodalanashi
Text file - sometimes spelled "textfile", an old alternate name is "flatfile",is a kind of computer file that is structured as a sequence of lines.
Jarayon - Dastur yoki uning qismi bajarilayotganda ro`y beradigan voqealarning berilgan ketma-ketligi
Process - a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result.
Tarmoq- Bog`lamalar va ularni birlashtiruvchi shoxchalar chizmasi
Network - to connect computers together so that they can share information
Tizim- Ma’lum natijaga erishish uchun birlashtiriluvchi bir butun yoki jami turli xil obyektlar sifatida o`rganiluvchi ixtiyoriy obyekt
System - a set of computer equipment and programs used together for a particular purpose
Kodlash- - Ma’lumotlar xavfsizligini ta’minlash uchun shifrlash deb ataluvchi maxsus kodlash va h.k
Coding - a system of words, letters or signs which is used to represent a message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters or signals which is used to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form
Foydalanuvchi- Ma’lumotlarga ishlov berish tizimiga buyruq yoki xabarlar beruvchi yoki axborotga ishlov berish tizimidan xabar qabul qiluvchi har qanday shaxs yoki obyekt
User- someone who uses a product, machine or service
Xotira- - Ma’lumotlar joylashtirilishi, saqlanishi va olinishi mumkin bo`lgan funksional qurilma
Memory - the part of a computer in which information or programs are stored either permanently or temporarily, or the amount of space available on it for storing information
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