Microsoft Word bmi qodirqulova doc
bet | 14/16 | Sana | 13.05.2024 | Hajmi | 2,44 Mb. | | #230441 |
Bog'liq Microsoft Word bmi qodirqulova doc-1Xat- nternet nuqtai nazaridan odatda elektron xatlar – elektron pochta yordamida jo`natiladigan matn xabarlari shunday deyiladi.
letter (MESSAGE) - a written message from one person to another, usually put in an envelope and sent by the post.
Kommunikatsiya - Aloqa, xabar, aloqa vositasi, axborot, axborot vositasi, tutashma, muloqot, ulanish
Communications - the various methods of sending information between people and places, especially official systems such as post systems, radio, telephone, etc
Umumjahon o`rgimchak to`ri- Butun jahon bo`ylab joylashgan serverlardagi axborotni olish imkonini beruvchi Internet xizmati
World Wide Web- the system of connected documents on the Internet, which often contain colour pictures, video and sound, and can be searched for information about a particular subject
Brauzer- Obyektga-yo`naltirilgan dasturiy tizimlarda sinfiy shajarani tahlil qilish uchun ishlatiladigan vosita
Browser- a computer program that enables you to read information on the Internet
Elektron pochta- Xabarlarni kompyuterda to`g`ridan-to`g`ri terib jo`natish va boshqalar yuborgan xatlarni olish imkonini beradigan dastur
Elctronic mail- commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks.
Xujjat- Ma’lum bir faktni yoki biror narsaga huquqni tasdiqlovchi ish qog`oz
Document a text that is written and stored on a computer.
Grafik ob’ekt- kompyuter displeyida ma’lumotlarni grafik ko’rinishda ifodalanishi.
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