Route Intraventricular antibiotics are associated with increased mortality and should be avoided.(28) (LOE II, GOR B) General

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Intraventricular antibiotics are associated with increased mortality and should be avoided.(28) (LOE II, GOR B)


Aim to minimise aminoglycoside toxicity by (1) avoiding gentamicin to patients at elevated risk (i.e. on indomethacin, history of hypoxia and/or significant renal dysfunction), (2) minimising the duration of treatment and (3) prescribing a dose in a way that minimizes risk (i.e. EID with dose adjustment as necessary). (ANMF consensus recommendations)


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Original version Date: 08/08/2015

Author: NeoMed Consensus Group

Current Version number: 3

Version Date: 18/2/2021

Risk Rating: Low

Due for Review: 18/2/2026

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Route Intraventricular antibiotics are associated with increased mortality and should be avoided.(28) (LOE II, GOR B) General

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