• Administration Loading dose: IV infusion over ONE hour. Maintenance infusion: Continuous IV infusion. Change solution every 24 hours.
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Drug Manual

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    Further Dilute

    Draw up 10 mL (500 mg of vancomycin) of the above solution and add 40 mL glucose 5% or sodium chloride 0.9% to make a final volume of 50 mL with a final concentration of 10 mg/mL.


    Loading dose: IV infusion over ONE hour.

    Maintenance infusion: Continuous IV infusion. Change solution every 24 hours.


    Renal function, full blood count, hearing function and serum vancomycin concentrations.

    Target trough concentration 10─20 mg/L

    Aim for higher trough level of 15─20 mg/L in suspected severe sepsis e.g., MRSA, bone infection, meningitis, endocarditis.

    Measure vancomycin concentration 24 hours (18–30 hours) after commencement of infusion AND 24 hours after each change of infusion rate.

    Level 1

    24 hours after commencement


    Level 2

    Consecutive levels



    48 hours

    After first level

    Day 6, day 9, day 12, day15

    Every 3 days



    24 hours

    After dose adjustment

    48 hours if targeted level achieved followed by every 3 days



    24 hours

    After dose adjustment

    48 hours if targeted level achieved followed by every 3 days

    Repeat steady state level more frequently if

    1. 10% change in body weight OR

    2. 25% change in serum creatinine OR

    3. age-related dose adjustment OR

    4. interruption in IV infusion OR

    5. infant receives indomethacin.

    If vancomycin level <15 or >25 mg/L: Adjust dose using below calculation:
    Adjusted dose (mg/kg/hour) = last maintenance dose (mg/kg/hour) x (20mg/mL ÷ last vancomycin concentration)

    For example:

    1. Last dose was 2.1 mg/kg/hour and the last vancomycin concentration was 12 mg/L:
      Adjusted dose: 2.1 mg/kg/hour x (20 mg/L ÷ 12 mg/L) = 3.5 mg/kg/hour

    2. Last dose was 2.1 mg/kg/hour and the last vancomycin concentration was 28 mg/L:
      Adjusted dose: 2.1 mg/kg/hour x (20 mg/L ÷ 28 mg/L) = 1.5 mg/kg/hour

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    Neonatal Intensive Care Drug Manual

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