NXP SC16IS7xx Device Driver for Windows CE 5.0 by BSQUARE
The NXP SC16IS7xx series of bridges – SC16IS740/750/760/752/762 are high-performance Bridges that can be used with any systems that provide either I2C or SPI bus master capability for enhancing serial I/O connectivity to fully featured serial interfaces. They are low pin count serial buses, which reduce complexity of system interconnection and simplify board layout.
The SC16IS7xx device driver was developed by BSQUARE for helping users to quickly set up, run, and use the SC16IS7xx device and to shorten their software driver development time resulting in faster time to market. The driver was coded on the standard Windows CE device driver so that the driver can be easily ported into different host or embedded processors such as XScale PXA 270 processor
The SC16IS7xx driver allows application programs to access serial ports and related functions supported by the SC16IS7xx without having any knowledge about the interface between the SC16IS7xx and the rest of the system. The driver provides standard serial communication interface (COM) functions when used with a system running Windows CE 5.0 including the SC16IS7xx Bridge. The standard features of SC16IS7xx are
Programmable baud rates: up to 921.6K
Data length: 5, 6, 7, 8
Stop bits: 1, 1 ½, 2
Parity type: Even, odd, None, Mark, Space
Auto hardware flow control enable
Auto software flow control enable
Programmable receive FIFO trigger levels
Programmable transmit FIFO trigger levels
Programmable hardware flow control trigger levels
Programmable software flow control trigger levels
Programmable XON/XOFF characters
Set and clear RTS, pin
Set and clear DTR pin
Read the status of CD, RI, CTS, DSR pins
In addition to the standard SC16IS7xx capabilities, the driver includes enhanced features of SC16IS7xx, which can be used to improve overall system performance. The enhanced features are
Transmit interrupt trigger level can be set to any value between 1 and 64
Receive interrupt trigger level can be set to any value between 1 and 64
Hardware or Software flow control trigger level can be set to any value between 1 and 64
I/O pins are programmable: input or output, interrupt on input change of state, input change of state is latch-able
I/O pins are switch able between modem pins or I/O pins
UART software reset
Modem status interrupt support – counters to count them
Line status interrupt support – counter to count them
CTS/RTS interrupt support – counter to count them
XOFF interrupt support – counter to count them
XON any support
Support for sleep mode
Enable / Disable UART receiver or transmitter
Block Diagram of the SC16IS7XX Device Driver
For more information about the SC16IS7xx series of Bridges, please visit http://ww.nxp.com/interface
To download the NXP SC16IS7xx device driver for Windows CE, please email to interface.support@nxp.com
* The NXP SC16IS7xx series of bridges are SC16IS740, SC16IS750, SC16IS760, SC16IS752, and SC16IS762