“Fizika va texnologik ta’lim” jurnali | Журнал “Физико-технологического
образование” | “
Journal of Physics and Technology Education” 2021, № 4 (Online)
Journal of Physics and Technology Education | https//phys-tech.jspi.uz/
processes taking place in nature begin to study physically. As students apply their
theoretical knowledge to practice, the knowledge gained will be further
For this reason, after a certain section in physics textbooks in
secondary schools, the laboratory classes related to this section will be held. In the
laboratory classes, students will be able to link their theoretical knowledge to
practice, further strengthen their practical skills and abilities,
and increase their
interest in physics. The content of lab training in physics in schools is based on
measuring the values of physical quantities, studying physical phenomena and its
regularities. In this lab, we are faced with deficiencies in textbooks.
First, physics textbooks do not provide information
about the methods of
measuring physical quantities, or "Absolute and relative errors" before conducting
laboratory trainings. However, before taking lab training, students should be aware
of the above sizes. The second, the concepts of absolute and relative error are used
to form mathematical concepts in the 8th grade algebra textbook that addresses the
topics of absolute errors and relative errors. But in the 7th grade physics class, you
have to identify absolute and relative errors in lab training. From these we can see
that the topics of absolute errors and relative errors are not in the 8th grade algebra
textbook but in Chapter 1 or 2 of the Grade 7 algebra textbook, so students do not
have difficulty in identifying absolute and relative errors in measurements in the
physical labs and have a high level of assimilation.
In this direction, our physical scientists K.A. Tursunmetov, U. Oltmishev, D.
Begmatova, H.M. Sattorov "Mathematical processing of measuring techniques and
results of educational laboratory experiments" (In general physics laboratory
practicum), Begmatova, U. Oltmishev “The role of mathematics in improving the
effectiveness of laboratory physics practicum” - Journal of Public Education and as
well as А.М. Khudayberganov has studied such issues as “Issues of Continuity in
Teaching Physics in General Secondary Schools”. However,
prior to conducting
laboratory studies in secondary schools, physics textbooks should include topics
such as measuring physical size, absolute and relative error, and making sure that
physics and mathematics are consistent. The following are some of the physical
and mathematical implications of the concepts that students need to know before
taking lab classes in physics.