“Fizika va texnologik ta’lim” jurnali | Журнал “Физико-технологического
образование” | “
Journal of Physics and Technology Education” 2021, № 4 (Online)
Journal of Physics and Technology Education | https//phys-tech.jspi.uz/
and direct measurements. If we reach the measurements that we need to
using a measuring tool, this method is called direct or indirect
measurement. For example: time, length, current, and so on. Indirect
measurement is called the indirect result when
a mathematical operation
(indirect, division, root, logarithmic, etc.) is
to be obtained by directly
measuring magnitudes. When measuring any physical size many errors are
made for various reasons. The error that arises from the imperfections of the
measurement method or instrumentation is called a
systematic error. This error
can be measured by another method. An error that
occurs for a variety of
reasons is called a
random error. For example:
drastic changes in external
conditions and the like. Random error reduction can only be considered as a
result of repeated experiments.
Errors caused by the neglect of the experimenters are called gross errors. For
example, measuring the wrong measurements on a scale
of measuring devices or
performing them incorrectly. For the above reasons, the experimentally measured
magnitude is determined to some extent by the actual value. The error can be either
absolute or relative. Difference between the arithmetic mean and a0