“Fizika va texnologik ta’lim” jurnali | Журнал “Физико-технологического Pdf ko'rish
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“Fizika va texnologik ta’lim” jurnali | Журнал “Физико-технологического
образование” | “Journal of Physics and Technology Education” 2021, № 4 (Online)
Journal of Physics and Technology Education | https//phys-tech.jspi.uz/
UDC: 539.42.38
Taylanov Nizom Abdurazzakovich, Urozov Abduxolik Nurmuratovich,
Eshtuhtarova Orzigul
Teachers Jizzax State Pedagogical Institute of Uzbekistan, Jizzax, Uzbekistan
e-mail: taylanov@yandex.ru
Annotatsiya.Ushbu maqolada ta'lim tizimiga fanlararo integratsiya muammosi
o'rganilgan. Fanlararo integratsiya o'quvchilarning mustaqil ijodiy qobiliyatlarini oshirish,
ularning dunyoqarashi va ilmiy tafakkurini oshirish va shakllantirish, pirovardida butun o'quv
jarayonini takomillashtirish vositasi sifatida taqdim etilgani ko'rsatildi.
Kalit so'zlar: Fanlararo integratsiya, fizika, kimyo, matematika.
Аннотация.В статье изучается проблема междисциплинарной интеграции в
образовательной системе. Было показано, что междисциплинарная интеграция
представлена как средство повышения самостоятельных творческих способностей
студентов, повышения и формирования их мировоззрения и научного мышления и, в
конечном итоге, улучшения всего учебного процесса.
Ключевые слова: междисциплинарная интеграция, физика, химия, математика.
Abstract.In this paper, the problem of interdisciplinary integration in the educational
system is investigated. It was shown that interdisciplinary integration is presented as a means of
increasing students' independent creative abilities, increasing and shaping their worldview and
scientific thinking, and ultimately improving the entire educational process.
Key words: Interdisciplinary integration, physics, chemistry, mathematics.
Since the beginning of the last century, theoretical and experimental research
methods have provided fundamental scientific results for many natural sciences,
including chemistry, medicine, mathematics, astronomy and biology. The
inventions created in a long time in physics led to the appearance of a completely
new and modern science. An example of this is electrical engineering, radio
engineering, electronics, automation of technological processes, nuclear energy,
nanophysics, synergetics and many others. The role and importance of physical
science in achieving the above factors is invaluable. It should be noted that with
such a rapid rising of development of science and technology, it is very important
to ensure the integration or interconnection between academic disciplines.
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