Образование и инновационные исследования (2022 год №12)
ISSN 2181-1717 (E)
ajralishiga va alohida buyumlardan tuzilishi
mumkinligiga ishonch hosil
qiladilar. Ikkinchi mashg’ulot ham shunga o’xshash tashkil etiladi. Dastlab
oldingi ta’lim faoliyatida foydalanilgan o’yinchoq turlarining biri bilan
mashg’ulot tashkil etiladi, keyin esa o’yinchoq yoki buyumlarning yangi xili
tanlab olinadi, ular bir xil bo’lishi shart emas: ular turlicha o’lchamli va har
xil rangli bo’lishi e’tibor qaratish kifoya. O’yinchoqlar guruhlarga ajratiladi,
masalan, bir savatga sariq koptoklar, ikkinchi savatga qizil koptoklar yig’iladi;
baliqchalar katta idishga, kichik baliqchalar kichik idishga solinadi.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar:
1. Meyliyevna Berdiyeva Muhabbat. The quality of preschool education
at the pre-sent stage. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary
Research Journal. Year : 2021, Volume : 11, Issue : 10. 10.5958/2249-
7137.2021.02402.2 https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ac
2. Usmanova Saodat Erkinovna. (2021). Formation of spiritual and moral
qualities of preschoolers on the basis of public education. Middle European
Bulletin, 11. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.11.421
3. Jumayeva Malika Aliyevna. (2021). Independent musical activity
in preschool organizations. Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International
Communication, 1(1), 9–10. Re-trieved from https://openaccessjournals.eu/
4. Aliyevna, J. M. (2021). The Social Activity of the Educator with the
Family. Eu-ropean Journal of Life Safety and Stability (2660-9630), 12, 401-
403. Retrieved from http://ejlss.indexedresearch.org/index.php/ejlss/article/
5. Lola Utasheva Shoturaevna. (2021). Social and pedagogical activities
in pre-school educational institutions. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer
Reviewed Journal, 6(11), 412–415. Retrieved from https://repo.journalnx.
6. Shoturayevna, U. L. (2021). Development of Creative Competence
of Educators in Preschool Educational Institutions. European Journal of Life
Safety and Stability (2660-9630), 12, 395-397. Retrieved from http://ejlss.
7. Radjabova G.M. The educational value of oral folk art for preschoolers
// Euro-pean research № 1(75) / Sb. st. po mat. «European Research:
Innovation in Science, Education and Technology/Yevropeyskiye nauchnыe
issledovaniya: innovatsii v nauke, obrazovanii i texnologiyax»: LXXV mejd.
nauch.-prakt. konf. (London. 16 marta, 2022). S.
8. Berdieva M.M. Increasing the research activity of a pupil of a preschool
organi-zation // European research № 1(75) / Sb. st. po mat. «European
Research: Innovation in Sci-ence, Education and Technology/Yevropeyskiye
Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар (2022 йил №12)
ISSN 2181-1709 (P)
Education and innovative research 2022 y. №12
nauchnыe issledovaniya:
innovatsii v nauke, obrazovanii i texnologiyax»:
LXXV mejd. nauch.-prakt. konf. (London. 16 marta, 2022). S.
9. Muhammadiyeva F.T. Technology familiarization of preschoolers
with various materials through cognitive research activities //
research № 1(75) / Sb. st. po mat. «European Research: Innovation in
Science, Education and Technology/Yevropeyskiye nauchnыe issledovaniya:
innovatsii v nauke, obrazovanii i texnologiyax»: LXXV mejd. nauch.-prakt.
konf. (London. 16 marta, 2022). S
Mamatmuminova M.G. Features of the use of animation in the
development of creative abilities of preschoolers // European research №
1(75) / Sb. st. po mat. «European Re-search: Innovation in Science, Education
and Technology/Yevropeyskiye nauchnыe issledovaniya: innovatsii v nauke,
obrazovanii i texnologiyax»: LXXV mejd. nauch.-prakt. konf. (London. 16
marta, 2022). S. {sm. sbornik}.