Pedagogs international research journalBog'liq 98-71-PB4.995
Volume-26, Issue-2, January - 2023
Another methodology to teach listening to young learners efficiently is stories
and fairy tales. Tales and stories are memorable and meaningful activities to teach
listening skills to YLs ( Verdugo vs Belmonte, 2007). As children love to listen to
different stories teachers can use them to improve students’ English language skills and
expand their outlook to the world and improve their creativity. As we have two
worldone is real one where we live and second is the bigger one which is our
imagination by thinking and imagening we can imrove our fantasy and outlook.
To sum up this section, we can note that songs and stories are useful, meaningful
and developing tools when we usethemas an pedagogical tools. As young learners
prefer playing and listening to different songs and stories, teachers can utilize them to
teach English more efficiently and help them better learn the language without boring
and tedious lessons.
II. Literature review
TEYLs is one of the areas which was widely expanded, according to the need to of
English language. Now, parents want their children acquire the language much earlier
and faster. Teaching young learners is totally different from teaching adults, as the
psychology and outlook differs teaching approaches and methodologies also must be
various. This theory was conducted by many scientists as Oduolowu vs Akintemi,2014;
Rokhayani,2010 ;Mustafa Sevik, 2012; Millington, 2011; Rubina, 2018; and etc.. In
the literature review firstly young learners will be discussed, furthermore songs and
stories will be looked through as a pedagogical tool in TEYLs.
Young learners
Learners are divided into categories according to their age and maturity level, and
young learners(YL) are children under 14 years says Atik Rohayani, according to
Lynne Cameron, young learners are those who are under the age of 14 years old. Young
learners are defined as children between the ages of approximately 5 and 12 (Rixon,
1999, cited inYuliana, 2003). Additionally, the years spent in primary or elementary
school prior to entering secondary school are the major basis for the concept of young
learners. Because of this, the ages of the young students may differ from one country
to the next. According to some psycholinguists, being young is one of the keys to
language learning success. There are a few reasons why young children learn more
effectively. First, learning a language is possible even before puberty since the brain is
more adaptive then.because young children have more opportunities than adults, as
well as early selfconsciousness. Without the concerns and obligations of grownups,
youngsters are always learning (Brumfit, 1994, cited inYuliana, 2003).
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