Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20

Key words:
the technologies of information- communication, methodic supply, the 
developing way of methodic supply, the surroundings of electron educations, to resolve 
economic (educations). Issues, informations collections. Accountancy and taxes 
information system. 
Using from information and communications technologies is one of the culmination 
tasks during teaching and educating youths in our country our aim of that is to achieve for 

preparing to be trained person nee suitable for time demands and be their professions 
Being thought in universities in an economic education “the technologies of information 
and communications subject’s methodic supply is to develop in bases of innovation 
technology and to teach students one of the important tasks of the teachers aim. 
O.N.Volik shows methodic supply’s term has 2 means in pedagogy: the first, it is used as 
a process and result [1]. 
Methodic supply as a process consists of planning renewing, processing. Optimal system 
of teaching establishments and teaching methodic documents necessary for organizing 
profitable in regulations marked time and maintance teaching process. 
Methodic supply as a result apparents the collectings of supporter and carrier out all 
teaching and stylish documents teaching plan, teaching regulations , teaching methods, 
teaching handbooks and etc educational process process which has system. 
Methodic supplying educational process is divided into 2 by Kudinova [2]. The first 
“general methodic supply”, the second “teaching methodic instruments, planning, 
renewing, processing optimal system and prepare specialists branch. 
The aim of-general methodic supply consist of creating conditions for achieving for, 
preparing specialist, and sew ants important quality and supplying from the side of process 
of teaching, perfecting educational maintance doing education norms for specialists 
Concluding from above working general methodic system creates this opportunity in 
continuous educational system: 
normalizing in bases of time and demand teaching norm documents teaching 
materials and teaching hand books; 
improving scientific abilities of pedagogic group; 
quicken teaching process in continuously teaching system. 
Teaching- methodic collectings (T M C) is didactic handbook system for courses and 
subjects so as answer to teaching norms demand. 
Teaching methodic collectings is mutual dependant and filling each o their means 
enough for educating norms’ aim and maintance being come true to teaching plan and 
choosen didactic process suitable for that. 
Concluding that we understand methodic supply is to teach specialists didactic means 
exacting its consisting parts and showing certain form pedagogy system’s integration 
communication model. 
Concluding of having investigated we exusted that “information communication 
technologies” subject is methodic supply consisted this peace: 
Measure mental methodic materials: 
Government education norms, teaching regulations and teaching plans’ support is 
prepared by higher educational establishments confirmating by the ministry of higher 
Confirmated norm documents is given to all educational establishments so as to use 
given norm methodic materials is taker by higher educations establishments, prepared and 
confirmated worker teaching plans about departure, subjects worker teaching regulations 
and calendar thematic plans. 
Educational- information materials: prepared by professor-teachers helps students to 
learn subjects mean. 
It consist of text books, handbooks, lecture texts practical and laboratory tasks 
collectings helping materials for self- studying election educational sources. 
Educational methodic materials is prepared by experienced professor teachers, they 
consist of methodic hand books manuals recommends electron didactic materials electron 
teaching methodic handbook. 

They help to organize profitably pedagogic activities. Higher education system thought 
in economic departure “Information-communication technologies” subjects methodic 
supply so as to improve teaching profitably is processed. 
It consist of these: 
- electron lecture texts; 
-recommendation exhibition slayds, practical and laboratory tasks concerning 
recommendations for doing practical and laboratories tasks; 
self-study tasks automatic regulations of presenting and preparing economic 
the method teaching subjects so as to use from innovation technologies; 
video hand books so as to use during learning subjects; 
controlling tests and questions tasks. 
Showed above we my create election education condition with inclusing norm 
documents using literatures, web pages, we recommend inclusing these shown themes in 
teaching regulations for perfecting methodic supply of information communications 
technology subjects after conclusing from higher educational system’s economic 
departments speciality. 
Given themes in regulations 
Perfecting mean… methodic supply
Technology of using election 
table during solving economical issues.
Economic functions object makroses 
new functions and functional buttons 
functional buttons for teaching to create. 
To lead information collections 
and communications 
To learn automatic ,” the department 
of cadres “ work in MS Access
Accountancy information system
To remark product, fees, credit and 
enterprises accounts of taxes 
In branch of statistics automatic 
communicating system and technology
To teach automatizing to present and 
prepare state statistics main tasks 
enterprises 1-SB (small Business) 
account of statistics.
Tax communicating system. 
To teach presenting during using 
from the system of I ABS for banks 
corporative clients
During activity of bank automatic 
To teach using from the system of 
iabs for banks’ corporative clients 
Election videofiles was created for the first tables mean to as to perfect communication – 
information technologies subject. It was used during teaching and shown its achieved 
The teacher of higher education system’s communications – informations technologies 
subjects must have these practise for developing and renewing for time’s demands: 
To Introduce with norm documents concerning economic branches. And 
information – communication technologies in our republic 
To knowing to use choosen educational branch from technology and modern 
educational methods. 
To pulling into practise continuously communication – information technologies in 
activity of professions and using them profitably supplying. 
To creating modern pedagogy regulation means in conditions of electron 
educational environment. 

To work with internet technologies and using profitably during teaching students 
subjects from them 
To prepare economical and financial account (counting counting them) recounting 
and having knowledges about presenting. 
Information–communication technologies subjects preparing to be integration with 
economical knowledges for lecture’s text and deliver to students ; 
To deliver to students from using technologies maintance of information 
communication sui table for main conception of speciality; 
To controll learning theme by students and etc. 

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Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming

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