Registry Plus Central Registry Tools
bet | 8/38 | Sana | 22.07.2021 | Hajmi | 0,67 Mb. | | #15596 |
System Component
Web Server Computer
Database Server Computer
Pentium IV
Pentium IV
500 MB
500 MB
Hard drive free space
At least 500 MB
At least 500 MB
Server Operating System
Windows 2000 Server or later
Windows 2000 Server or later
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Version 5 or later
Not applicable
.NET Framework
Version 1.1
Not applicable
SQL Server
Not applicable
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Standard edition) or later
The SSL digital certificate needs to be installed on this server.
Fault tolerant disks are recommended for the database. The RAM and disk space requirements may increase if this server also hosts databases for other applications.
| Web Plus Security Features and Recommendations
Web Plus has been designed as a highly secure application that can be used to transmit confidential patient data between reporting locations and a central registry safely over the public internet. Security is achieved by a combination of software features and network infrastructure. This document outlines the security features of the application and recommendations for the operating environment to ensure a secure installation of Web Plus.
The security of Web Plus depends to a large extent on the security of the client computer, the communication channel between the client and the web server, the web server, the base operating system, the configurations of firewalls on either side of the web server. It is very important that the hosting agency have a security policy in place and document the users (and their assigned roles) that will have access to the Web Plus application and the database. The hosting agency will be responsible for encrypting the Web Plus database if required. Security breaches by social engineering attacks are always a consideration -- special attention is required in all parts of the system to prevent such attacks. Use of strong logon passwords for logging in to Web Plus is highly recommended, and the sharing of user accounts by users should be expressly prohibited.
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