• Abstract
  • Rossiya federatsiyasi fan va oliy ta'lim vazirligi

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    Технологический процесс изготовления вала Grant tarqatish mashinasining milini ishlab chiqarishning texnologik jarayoni автомобиля . Bakalavr ishi. Tolyatti. Tolyatti davlat universiteti, 2020.
    В Bakalavr ishi представлена технология изготовления вала распределительного ommaviy ishlab chiqarish sharoitlari uchun Grant tarqatish avtomobilining milini ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasini taqdim «Гранта» для условий массового etadi.
    Kalit so'zlar: qism, ish qismi, ishlov berish yo'nalishi , ishlov berish rejasi , texnologik jihozlar, ishlov berish rejimlari, armatura, asbob, loyihaning xavfsizligi va ekologik xavfsizligi, iqtisodiy samaradorlik, mashina formulasi.
    При выполнении Bakalavr ishini bajarishda работы получены quyidagi natijalar olinadi:

    • проанализированы исходные данные для qismning texnologik jarayonini loyihalash uchun dastlabki ma'lumotlar tahlil техпроцесса qilindi;

    • разработан texnologik jarayon ishlab chiqilgan;

    • разработан специальный инструмент на базе adabiy tadqiqotlar asosida maxsus vosita ishlab chiqilgan ;

    • исследованы мероприятия по loyihaning xavfsizligi va ekologik xavfsizligi bo'yicha chora-tadbirlar o'rganildi ;

    • исследована величина экономической эффективности ishlab chiqilgan texnologiyaning iqtisodiy samaradorligi qiymati o'rganildi .

    Bakalavr ishida 66 страниц, содержащую 20 ta jadval, 10 ta rasm, va 7 ta varaqdan iborat grafik qismdan iborat 66 betlik tushuntirish xati mavjud часть, содержащую 7 листов.


    Technological process of manufacturing the shaft of the distribution car "Grant". Bachelor's work. Tolyatti. Togliatti state University, 2020.
    The bachelor's work presents the technology of manufacturing the shaft of the distribution car "Grant" for mass production conditions.
    Keywords: part, billet, processing route, processing plan, technological equipment, processing modes, device, tool, safety and environmental friendliness of the project, economic efficiency, machine formula.
    When performing bachelor's work the following results were obtained:

    • analyzed the initial data for the design of the technical process of the part;

    • developed technological process;

    • developed a special tool based on literary research;

    • measures on safety and environmental friendliness of the project were studied;

    • the value of the economic efficiency of the developed technology is studied.

    The bachelor's work contains an explanatory note of 66 pages, containing 20 tables, 10 figures, and a graphic part containing 7 sheets.

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    Rossiya federatsiyasi fan va oliy ta'lim vazirligi

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