• Kirish: Kompyuter arxitekturasi va kompyuterni tashkil etish
  • Architecture describes what the computer does.
  • Organization describes how it does it.
  • Protsessorda buyruqlarni bajarilish davri

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    Protsessorda buyruqlarni bajarilish davri

    Protsessorda buyruqlarni bajarilish davri


    • Kirish

    • CPU

    • Kompyuter registrlari

    • Ko'rsatmalarni bajarish sikli

    • O'tkazish va mikro operatsiyani ro'yxatdan o'tkazish

    • Avtobus dizayni

    • Mikroprotsessorda uzilishlar

    • Xotiraga oid ko'rsatma

    Kirish: Kompyuter arxitekturasi va kompyuterni tashkil etish

    Computer Architecture: Computer Architecture is a functional description of requirements and design implementation for the various parts of computer. It deals with functional behavior of computer system. It comes before the computer organization while designing a computer.

    Architecture describes what the computer does.

    Computer Organization: Computer Organization comes after the decide of Computer Architecture first. Computer Organization is how operational attribute are linked together and contribute to realise the architectural specification. Computer Organization deals with structural relationship.

    Organization describes how it does it.

    Differences between computer architecture and organization


    computer architecture

    Computer organization


    Architecture describes what the computer does.

    Organization describes how it does it.


    Computer Architecture deals with functional behavior of computer system.

    Computer Organization deals with structural relationship.


    it deals with high-level design issue.

    it deals with low-level design issue.


    Architecture indicates its hardware.

    Where, Organization indicates its performance.


    Computer Architecture is also called as instruction set architecture.

    Computer Organization is frequently called as micro architecture.


    Computer Architecture comprises logical functions such as instruction sets, registers, data types and addressing modes.

    Computer Organization consists of physical units like circuit designs, peripherals and adders.

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