Rudn journal of Informatization in Education Herald rudn. Seriya: ta'limni axborotlashtirish 2017

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Key words: Computer graphics, raster graphics, vector graphics, training, presentation

  1. Abdurazakov M.M., Surkhaev M.A., Simonova I.N. Vozmozhnosti informacionno-kommunikacionnoj obrazovatel’noj sredy dlya dostizheniya novyh obrazovatel’nyh rezul’tatov [Possibilities of the informational and communicational educational environment for achievement of a new educational results]. Informatika i obrazovanie [Informatics and education]. 2012. No. 1. Pp. 58— 60.

  2. Elochkin M.E., Branovsky Yu.S., Nikolayenko I.D. Informacionnye tekhnologii [Information technologies]: uchebnik. M.: Oniks, 2007. 246 p.

  3. Informatika i IKT. 11 klass. Bazovyj uroven’ [Computer science and ICT. 11. Basic level] / pod red. prof. N.V. Makarovoj. SPb.: Piter, 2009. 224 p.

  4. Lapchik M.P., Semakin I.G., Henner E.K. Teoriya i metodika obucheniya informatike [Theory and technique of training in informatics]. M.: Akademija, 2008. 592 p.

  5. Makarova N.V., Nilova Yu.N., Titova Yu.F., Shapiro of K.V. Informatika. 10–11 klassy. Bazovyj uroven’ [Informatics. 10–11 classes. Basic level]. SPb.: Piter, 2010. 416 p.

  6. Semakin I.G., Henner E.K. Informatika i IKT. Bazovyj uroven’. Uchebnik dlya 10–11 klassov [Informatics and ICT. Basic level. The textbook for 10–11 classes]. M.: BINOM. Laboratorija znanij, 2014. 228 p.

  7. Surkhaev M.A. Novye trebovaniya k obrazovatel’nomu processu v usloviyah stanovleniya informacionnogo obshchestva [New requirements to educational process in the conditions of formation of information society]. Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii [Standards and monitoring in education]. 2008. No. 1. Pp. 35—37.

  8. Ugrinovich N.D. Informatika i informacionnye tekhnologii: uchebnik dlya 10–11 klassov [Informatics and informational technologies: textbook for 10–11 classes]. M.: BINOM. Laboratorija znanij, 2003. 512 p.

  9. Hmylko O.N. Analiz osnovnyh sostavlyayushchih kursa «komp’yuternaya grafika» pri obuchenii v sisteme nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya «SHKOLA-VUZ» [The analysis of the main components of course “computer graphics” in the process of training in the system of the continuous education “SCHOOL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION”]. Vestnik Pskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Estestvennye i fiziko-matematicheskie nauki [Bulletin of the Pskov state university. Series: Natural and physical and mathematical sciences]. 2010. P. 120—125.

  10. Shalyaev A.A. Komp’yuternaya grafika v shkole [Computer graphics at school]. Sovremennaya pedagogika [The Modern Pedagogics]. 2014. No. 6. URL: http://pedagogika.snauka. ru/2014/06/2452

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Rudn journal of Informatization in Education Herald rudn. Seriya: ta'limni axborotlashtirish 2017

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