• 17.30-19.30 1M . Coherence signal in interference microscopy of thin films with quasimonochromatic illumination
  • 4M.Evaluation of low-coherence interference fringes by the modified Teager-Kaiser algorithm
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    September 26, Thursday


  • (Building 3, 3rd floor Hall)

  • Chair (M): Georgy G. Akchurin; Saratov State University (Russia), Institute of Precise Mechanics and Control RAS

  • 17.30-19.30

  • 1M. Coherence signal in interference microscopy of thin films with quasimonochromatic illumination

  • Daria Klychkova, Saratov State University, Russia; Vladimir P. Ryabukho, Saratov State University; Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

  • 2M. Application of the attenuated total reflection method with excitation of surface plasmons in the diagnosis of biological objects

  • ValeriyYatsishen, Potapova I.I., Volgograd State University, Russia

  • 3M.Evaluation of human skin capillary blood flow velocity outside the nailfold

  • Mikhail Volkov, Nikita Margaryants, Andrey Potemkin, ITMO University, Russia

  • 4M.Evaluation of low-coherence interference fringes by the modified Teager-Kaiser algorithm

  • Igor Gurov,Vlada Kapranova, ITMOUniversity, St. Petersburg. Russia.

  • 5M. Influence of the numerical aperture of the illumination field on the frequency spectrum of the interference image of stratified object in optical microscopy A. Dyachenko1,2, V. Ryabukho1,2; 1Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control Russian Academy of Sciences; 2Saratov State University. Russia

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