(alt+a) In Spelling Dialogue: Add a spelling to the dictionary
In Signatures: [Apply] button
(alt+c) In Spelling Dialogue: Confirm a spelling change
(alt+g) In Spelling Dialogue: Ignore All
(alt+i) In Spelling Dialogue: Ignore Once
(alt+l) In Spelling Dialogue: Change All (Not recommended for use)
(alt+m) In Signatures: [Rename] button. Selects the first signature in the [Signatures] list box
(alt+n) In Spelling Dialogue: Move to the [Suggestions] List
In a Confirmation Box: Is option (No)
In Signatures: Create a new signature title
(alt+r) In Signatures: Deletes the selected signature
(alt+s) Send an e-mail message
(alt+u) In Spelling Dialogue: Undo spelling correction
(ctrl+c) Copy
(ctrl+d) Delete a closed or open email message
(ctrl+f) Forward an e-mail message
(ctrl+m) Check for new email from anywhere
(ctrl+p) Print
(ctrl+r) Reply to an e-mail message
(ctrl+v) Paste
(ctrl+x) Cut
(ctrl+y) Go to folder
(ctrl+shift+c) Open the Contacts List
(ctrl+shift+i) Switch to the [Inbox]
(ctrl+shift+o) Switch to the [Options] dialog box
(ctrl+shift+r) When sending an email message: Reply to All
(f1) Mail Help from anywhere
(f7) Start Spelling Dialogue for a message being composed
(esc) Cancel current task