Security CSE
Error info can be found in the Event Log. See entries with the source SceCli.
To create a detailed log file for the Security Extension use the following registry key:
Set ExtensionDebugLevel = REG_DWORD 0x2
Note: The log file can be found at: %windir%\security\logs\winlogon.log
Scripts CSE
Scripts processing contains two steps:
Group Policy script processing processes a policy and stores the script information in the registry (for Windows 2000 this is the directory where the scripts.ini file is stored as a hidden file):
HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Scripts (User Scripts)
HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Scripts (Machine Scripts)
Script is run via a Userinit process. (Hung scripts timeout in 10 minutes by default)
Note: The timeout is the time allotment for all scripts to run. This can be modified using the Computer policy setting: “Maximum wait time for Group Policy Scripts.”
Common script errors include:
Bad script path.
Hung script.
Access to script is restricted via ACLs (usually for startup/shutdown scripts which run as machine, not user).
Failure of individual scripts may be limited to the individual scripts and not impact the total script processing.
To investigate, check the Application Event Log for entries with Userinit as the source.