Installation Instructions for the Iomega Windows 95 Protected Mode Drivers

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Installation Instructions for the Iomega Windows 95 Protected Mode Drivers

These instructions are provided to help you install the Protected mode drivers.

In preparation of installing the drivers, you should first remove the Iomega DOS drivers if you are using them. Edit your CONFIG.SYS file and place an REM command in front of any drivers that reference the IOMEGA or OADDOS directories. Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Place an REM command in front of any driver that has references the file GUEST.EXE.



Change To:


Once you have done this, proceed with the installation of our drivers. Please follow the directions carefully and make sure that you follow the directions carefully and that you don’t try to skip any steps.

1. It is best to extract the file in an empty directory. Copy all the driver files to a floppy disk.

  1. Switch to the directory were the WIN95.EXE file is located.

  2. Run the file WIN95.EXE. The file will extract about 8 files which are your drivers.

  3. Copy those files to a floppy. At a DOS prompt type: COPY *.* A: (replace A: with B: if copying to B:)

2. Run the Add New Hardware program from the Control Panel.

a. Click on the Start Button.

b. Highlight the Settings option.

c. Click on Control Panel.

d. Double click on Add New Hardware.

3. Click Next until the Add New Hardware Wizard asks if you want windows to

search for new hardware, click on NO and select Next .

4. From the list of Hardware select SCSI Controllers, and then click Next.

5. Click on the Have Disk button.

6. Select the floppy drive letter(A:\ or B:\) and select OK .

7. Highlight the Iomega Adapter that you are installing, click Next to continue.

8. Click Finish to complete the installation.

9. Reboot the computer.

When the system restarts, the Iomega drive should be assigned a drive letter

and will be ready to use. The Iomega SCSIUTIL and Zip Tools programs will not

run when the protected mode drivers are loaded, they require the Iomega real

mode drivers be loaded.

Fax #: 2049 9/8/95 Page 4 of 4

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Installation Instructions for the Iomega Windows 95 Protected Mode Drivers

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