Windows Mobile Application Development
Course Prerequisites : Experience & Knowledge to work on .NET Framework with programming skills on Visual Basic .NET or Visual C#
Course Duration : 60 Hours with Weekend Batches
Course Contents are inline towards preparing you for Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 Application Development Certification.
Course Contents :
C# Language Support
Declare a variable
Issue a statement
Comment my code
Declare a simple property
Use an indexed property
Declare an indexed property
Declare an enumeration
Enumerate a collection or array
Declare and use a method
Define custom attributes
Declare and use an array
Statically initialize a variable
Write an if statement
Write a case statement
Write a for loop
Write a while loop
Handle exceptions
Concatenate a string
Declare an event
Declare an event handler
Add an event handler
Cast a variable to a type
Convert a variable to type
Declare a class or interface
Inherit from a base class
Implement an interface
Class with a main method
Write a standard module