Design and Develop a Windows Mobile User-Interface
Exercise 1: Understand the recommended project layout and code structure.
Exercise 2: Control definitions and examples
Building a .NET Compact Framework Application for a Windows Mobile-based Device Using Visual Studio 2005
Exercise 1: Creating a Smartphone Application and Using Data from SQL Mobile Exercise 2:Adding Support for Sending E-Mail to a Contact
Exercise 3: Accessing Web Services and Retrieving Remote Image Files
Introduction to the New Managed APIs in Windows Mobile 5.0
Exercise 1: Using Pocket Outlook to Replace a Proprietary Data Store
Exercise 2: Using Contact Picker to Add Search Capabilities
Exercise 3: Using Telephony to Provide Automatic Dialing
Exercise 4: Using Messaging and the Picture Picker to Send E-Mail Messages with Attachments
Exercise 5: Using the State and Notifications Broker API to Retrieve System State Information
Exercise 6: Using the State and Notifications Broker API to Receive Notifications of Changes in System State