• Important Notes
  • Indiana Supreme Court Division of State Court Administration Request to Post Court Information on the Internet under Trial Rule 77(K) – Initial Request

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    Indiana Supreme Court

    Division of State Court Administration

    Request to Post Court Information on the Internet under Trial Rule 77(K) – Initial Request
    You must complete this form prior to posting court information on the Internet.
    Important Notes: A vendor who accesses court information under this request must execute a Bulk Data User Agreement with the Division of State Court Administration under Administrative Rule 9 before this request may be approved and before any court information may be released to that vendor.
    If a vendor is used, the Division will not approve any request that is not accompanied by a copy of the agreement between the clerk and the vendor, which agreement must include provisions requiring the vendor to report any breaches of security and/or any unauthorized release of confidential information bi-annually, and providing for an annual audit, at vendor expense, of revenues generated by the contract.
    For questions related to this form, please contact Jeffrey S. Wiese. All materials should be submitted to the Division of State Court Administration, Attn: Jeffrey S. Wiese, 30 South Meridian Street, Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN 46204, or by fax to (317) 233-6586.

    County: ____________________________ Date of Request: ____ / ____/_____

    Clerk: ______________________________ Vendor* (if any): __________________

    *See Important Notes above

    Requestor Name: _____________________ Phone Number (___)_______________

    Requestor E-Mail Address: ________________@_______________________________

    Requestor Address: ________________________________________________________


    Requestor Office/Position/Title: _________________________

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    Indiana Supreme Court Division of State Court Administration Request to Post Court Information on the Internet under Trial Rule 77(K) – Initial Request

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