Presentation on Tax Decision Support Systems & Data Warehousing
Sana | 10.01.2024 | Hajmi | 0,81 Mb. | | #134365 |
Bog'liq lecture2a - Atar Singh Tomar
- atar.toomar@tatainfotech.com
- Why a Tax Decision Support System (DSS)?
- Tax DSS Architecture
- Tax DSS Methodology
- Tax Decision Support System
- Business Benefits
- Concluding Thoughts
- Q & A Session
- Online Analytical
- Systems
- Readily access and analyze the tax information
- Effectively and accurately identify the area of non-compliance
- Better understand the taxpayers
- Formulate better legislative policies
- Achieve higher degree of accuracy in revenue forecast
- Optimize the operational cost
- Challanges before tax administrators
- by Business Type
- by Tax Type
- by Tax Period
- by Location
- by its distribution across the various
- income groups of the taxpayers
- Typical analysis a Decision Maker
- may perform
- Compare the revenue collected and balance due for the past 5 years
- Evaluate the effectiveness of audit programs in identifying non-filers and under reporters
- Trends in the collected and due amounts in the various Payment Plans at various stages and defaulters
- Evaluate the productivity of various departments in handling cases over the years
- Evaluate the effectiveness of external data in identifying non-filers by showing the number of such taxpayers
- by the payment plan type
- by the tax period
- by the income group
- by the tax type
- by tax period
- by location
- by business type
- by tax period
- by location
- by business type
- Limitations of Transactional Applications
- Designed for real-time data entry and editing
- Data maintained is constantly changing
- Limited historical data is available for on-line comparisons
- Running Decision Support queries degrades the performance of the Transactional Application
- Difficulty in making ad-hoc queries
- Complexity in achieving Comparisons, Aggregations, Rankings, Running totals etc.
- Decision Support System is a computer based information system designed to facilitate the decision making process of semi structured tasks
- Data
- Extraction,
- Scrubbing
- and
- Transformation
- OLAP tools
- Query & Reporting
- Statistical Analysis
- Data Mining
- “A Data Warehouse is a
- subject-oriented,
- integrated,
- time variant and
- non-volatile
- collection of data in support of
- management’s decision-making process.”
- A Data-Mart contains a subset of the data
- available in an enterprise-wide data warehouse.
- Data Mining is
- Discovering meaningful new correlations,
- Patterns and trends
- Using
- Pattern recognition technologies,
- Statistical and mathematical techniques
- State’s Legacy and Transactional application
- IRS’s different tapes
- Other State Agency's
- Payroll System
- Transportation System
- General Services
- On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
- Is a process to assist decision making by using tools to facilitate the analysis
- of multi-dimensionally structured business information.
- Collected Tax Revenue
- North
- Withholding
- 1Q97
- Decision Support Analysis
- DSS Software Evaluation & Selection
- Operational Deployment and Support
- Decision Support Methodology (DSM)
- Scoping of Prototype
- Project Evaluation Criteria
- Detailed Design
- System Construction
- Testing
- Demonstration
- Evaluation
- Functional Orientation
- Operational Training
- Deployment
- Maintenance
- Structured Interviews
- Decision Analysis
- Data Analysis
- Technical Analysis
- Conceptual DSS Orientation
- Plans & Prioritization
Taxpayer Profiling - Taxpayer Profiling
- Tax Collection
- Fraud Detection & Tax Non-compliance
- Legislative Change Impact
- Revenue Forecasting
- These Subject Areas can be viewed w.r.t to
- various common perspectives
- Business Type
- Location (States, City)
- Taxpayer (Demographic)
- Tax Type
- Tax Period (Year, Quarter, Months)
- Time (Year, Months, Events, Seasons)
- Provides comprehensive taxpayer information
- Identification of potential fraudulent taxpayers
- Compliant taxpayer can be relaxed from cumbersome audit process
- Provide better taxpayer services
- Analyze the trends in tax revenue for revenue
- enhancement
- Evaluate uncollected tax revenue
- Reallocate resources to value added programs
- Fraud Detection & Tax Non-Compliance
- Maximize the non-compliance discoveries
- Analyze trends and patterns of targeted groups
- of taxpayers
- Focus on collection and compliance efforts
- Substantial increase in tax assessments and long
- term reduction in tax gap
- Leverage the accuracy, efficiency,and productivity
- of non-compliance programs
- Fraud Detection & Tax Non-Compliance
- Provide an alert mechanism to trap non-filers
- before expiry of the statute limit
Estimate fiscal and administrative impacts of proposed legislative changes - Estimate fiscal and administrative impacts of proposed legislative changes
- Support users in formulating tax policy
- Analyze the revenue effect of proposed and enacted legislative changes
- Legislative Change Impact Analysis
- Determine the effects of changes in
- legislation, policies and regulations
Ability to formulate reasonable fiscal policies - Ability to formulate reasonable fiscal policies
- Incorporate the historical revenue trends and other governing estimate variables
- Provide the highest degree of accuracy in revenue forecasting
- Use of econometric models to improve the accuracy of forecasts
Tangible Benefits - Tangible Benefits
- Improvement in non-compliance will increase tax revenue
- More cost effective decisions are enabled
- Better business intelligence is enabled
- Enhanced taxpayer Services
- Intangible Benefits
- Improved productivity
- Reduced redundant processing and support
- Ability to focus on business processes through complete analysis
Tax DSS holds great potential for dramatic business benefits - Tax DSS holds great potential for dramatic business benefits
- Capitalizes on the potential value of the organization’s information
- Provide decision makers access to consistent, reliable and timely data
- Still much more to explore and enhance
- Understand DSS Technology
- Why Tata Infotech for Tax DSS?
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