• Task 2. Fill in the gaps with proper modal verbs given in the box.
  • 1. it products. Mobile phones

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    Table 5. Modal verbs.





    Can, could

    David can speak three languages.


    Can, could, may

    Can I open the window, please?



    He should try to lose some weight.


    Must, have to

    You must memorize all of these rules about conditionals.
    You have to take off your shoes before you get into the mosque.


    Might, may, could, can

    It looks very nice, but it might be very expensive.
    She may be coming to see us tomorrow.

    The negative word NOT should be used after the modal verb for making negative questions with modal verbs:

    Modal + NOT + Subject + Main Verb + ….
    Shouldn’t we wait for him?
    Couldn’t you do your task later?
    Can’t you be relatives?
    (generally short form is used as an answer )

    Task 2. Fill in the gaps with proper modal verbs given in the box.

    Would Must Can Should May need Could Might May have to
    1. Hello ......... I speak to Lola, please?
    2. ............... I go out, please?
    3. ............... I go there right now? – Sure.
    4. Do you think I ................ go to the bank today?
    5. Don’t you .................. to clean your room? It is messed up.
    6. .................. you like something to drink?
    7. ............. be they late?
    8. ..................... I come in?
    9. ................. you help me to bring this box, please?
    10. Does Tom .................................... finish his job today?
    1. May 2. Can 3. Can 4. Should 5. Need 6. Would 7. Might8. May 9. Could
    10. Have to

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