• Partners updated about their current work

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    Partners updated about their current work

    In times of emergency, teachers and school personnel were not able to evacuate children from schools, nor were there enough safe places such as bomb shelters. Teachers were bring children to basements and root cellars.

    ACTION: EMERNGECY PREPAREDNESS for schools and through training for partners are required partners. We will take up at UNICEF.

    ACTION: In the next meeting, we have to meet with heads of departments to

    ACTION: Secure clean areas for schools are needed

    ACTION: Mine Risk Education education and refresher courses for teachers will be also brought up the with heads of the education department by UNICEF

    1. What is the 3W and why is it important?

    Education Cluster Information Manager presented the 3W reporting table, and encouraged partners to review it, and identify when their work and ongoing projects were not reflected.

    ACTION: Consultations with partners in the afternoon. Information Manager can also follow up with phone conversations later.
    OCHA encourages partners to work with IM to complete the 3W, because reporting from the cluster is shared with OCHA, who communicates for all UN agencies. OCHA explained that partners should take advantage of the 3W reporting. The reporting burden was not time consuming and was used for fundraising

    1. Update by partners

    The Oblast Department of Education: Oblast Authorities have prepared a list of schools and kindergartens with their needs.

    Sometimes children have not attended school because of transport costs, or also because parents have not yet decided where they will live permanently after their displacement.

    ACTION: Right to Protection monitors out of school children to understand the dimensions and reasons why children do not go to school. Will share updated reports with cluster, and continue to monitor.

    Fewer children attend kindergartens, there are simply too few spaces, and families cannot pay 300 – 500, and additional monthly recurring costs. Additionally, there are “extra” fees

    Tarasovka school was damaged by a tornado in May 2015, the roof of this center was ripped off. Children were receiving 2 meals per day, as the school was designated as a location in a feeding program. Unfortunately, school will be renovated and completed by November 2015.

    Winterization is a problem for school. Schools lack funds for heating and sometimes infrastructure materials they need. Sometimes hosting communities are in equally bad shape.

    WFP: has voucher program for most vulnerable households, those with small children, elderly, IDPs are given a 350 UAH every three months.

    ACTION: Coordination on winterization of schools required
    PROMIR: Youngest children who have been exposed to war, children have been frightened and have lost motivation to study. When parents are ill, the children also become ill.

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    Partners updated about their current work

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